
We did Cindy today as well. Good all around workout that everyone can do. Good mix of cardio ans strength.

I got 18 rounds + 5.
Yesterday's WOD:
16-14-12-10 of
Bench press @ 135
box jumps @ 24"
push press @ 95
wall ball w/20lbs to 10' target
push up

Once all rounds are complete, row 1500m.

Took me approximately 18 minutes.

Today we did a adventure type race carrying a litter with a 190lb dude and two five gallon water jugs (full). We had to go approximately four miles with small events about every 800m. It was a good time. It ended with pushing a HMMV four hundred meters. I had a team of eight folks, but seven did the work as one had to ride on the litter.
We did Cindy today as well. Good all around workout that everyone can do. Good mix of cardio ans strength.

I got 18 rounds + 5.

I got 11 rounds plus 85% of a 12th. This is my 1st month of Crossfit, so looking to see improvement by the next time we do this one. The guy next to me did over 20 rounds -never stopped, never slowed down. Pretty impressive.
April 3rd:

Every Minute on the Minute for 7 min:
2 front squats @ 75% with 3 second pause at bottom, then explode out.


1 min As Many Rounds As Possible of Jerks 185#/120#


100 Burpees for time (10 min cap)
Every Minute On The Minute: 2 power cleans 185#/120#

1 min As Many Reps as Possible of Jerks 185#/120#

Whew, son.... That was TOUGH!
22 Kettle bell swings 70#
22 box jumps 24"
row 400 meters
22 burpees
22 wall balls 20#

5 rounds for time. 44:47
This was a real bit$%
Friday April 4th

7x1: 2 Hang Cleans + 1 split jerk
heavy as possible, increasing weight

5 rounds for total reps

1:30 As Many Rounds As Possible
10 Box Jumps
10 Kettlebell Swings 24/32 kg
5 Box jumps
5 Thrusters 75/115#
rest 1 min

I got 144 total reps (came up short on the thruster during the last 3 rounds). Good workout.
Mon 4-7:
5x1 3 Hang Clean + 1 push jerk
60 seconds rest between each set

3 rounds for time:
14 burpees + over the box jumps (24 inches)
21 Kettlebell swings 24/16 kg
28 shoulder touches (hand stand against the wall, swapping arms to touch each shoulder)
5 Sets of 5 Deadlifts, with last set all out.

35 pullups
1/2 mile run
35 front squats @115#
1/2 mile run
35 oblique push-ups
1/2 mile run
35 handstand pushups
1/2 mile run

This one was way harder than I thought it would be. 1/2 mile run after the front squats was death. Not sure if you could call what I did handstand pushups...

Good to see lots of people pushing themselves to be better hunters on here!
Last edited:
Tue 4/8

5x2 Front Squats, heaviest possible, 5 second pause at bottom, explode out. (60 seconds rest)

5-4-3-2-1 for time:
Clean & Jerk 85/120
Muscle Ups
Wed 4/9

15 min to establish 3 Rep Max of Power Cleans

4 rounds for total working time:

25 hand release push ups
25 Kettlebell swings 24/16 kg
1:1 Rest (rest the amount of time it took you to complete one round)
Yesterday was good all around workout.

Every minute on the minute 10 minutes (Switch back and forth every minute)
V ups
Plank hold

3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 Kettle Bell Swings 53#
15 Knees to elbows
9 Ring dips
I am on leave this week, so I haven't done much. I ran a 5k trail run yesterday and it about killed me. It took me 23:38 to run it yesterday. There was only about 800m total of flat, otherwise you were either going up or down.
Thur 4-10
15 min to establish 1 rep max Split Jerk

5 rounds for time:
25 Jumping squats/ 45 lbs
20 Kettlebell push press 24/16 kg
15 pull ups


Filthy Fifty

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 35Lbs
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
