
short run yesterday (3 miles), going to strength train this evening

strength training last evening

bench 5/5/5
squats 5/5/5
overhead press 5/5/5
chins 10/10/10
dips 20/20/20
incline situps 30/30/30

rest day today
Tabata style squats 3 rounds at your bodyweight
Max reps in 30 secs
Rest 90 secs

5 rounds for time
7 muscle ups
21 sumo high pull deadlifts

I didn't do the WOD, I did Tuesday's which was 2K row for time as I missed Tuesday.

Tyler would have taken me long enough I wouldn't gotten much out of it.
EOMOM for 16 minutes (8x3)
Back squat @ 75-80% 1RM

4 Rounds
5 Ring Muscle ups (I scaled 5 strict PU, 5 strict ring dip)
10 Squat Snatch @ 95#
15 Box Jump overs @ 24"

14 Minute Cap.
Work to a heavy power clean

3min AMRAP
15 shuttle sprints
15 power cleans 95#
3 Minute Rest
3min AMRAP
12 shuttle sprints
12 power cleans 115#
3 Minute Rest
3min AMRAP
9 shuttle sprints
9 power cleans 135#
3 Minute Rest
got 5 miles in last night in about 5" of snow, makes it a little slower, but the snow is heavenly cushioned

strength training after work today
strength training this evening

squats 5/5/5
bench 5/5/5
deadlifts 5/5/5
dips 3x20
pullups 3x10
incline situps 3x30

we're looking at highs (highs) near 0 tomorrow and the next day, so I'll be forced onto the dreadmill :(
AMRAP in 18 minutes of:

50 calorie row

50 box jumps 24/20

50 deadlifts 185/125

50 ring dips


10 minutes to establish a

1RM squat clean+jerk


EMOM for 18 minutes:

2 squat cleans+1 jerk @82%
3 Super Rounds of
3 Rounds
7 Thrusters (75#)
7 Pullups
7 Burpess
After you finish 3 rounds, 50 Calorie row before starting 2nd and 3rd super round (total of 9 rounds and 100 cal row)