
12 min EMOM
Back Squat 3 reps at 80% of 1 rep max

5 min AMRAP
Squat clean and jerk 165#

Does not need to be a true jerk, weight just has to get overhead
"Hold Em"
200 Double Under Buy-In (set a PR of 87 today, was disappointed i didn't hit 100...)
3 Rounds
50' Walking Lunges
25 Ab Mat Sit-Ups
50' Walking Lunges
25 KB Swings (55#)

Core Cashout
4x30 Second Weighted Planks
3x20 KB Twists (pick your weight)
5.5 miles (47 minutes) on the dreadmill last night

our forecast high today is 5, so will be back on the dreadmill this evening- probably ramp the machine up to get a bit of a hill workout in
got in 4.5 miles of "hills" on the dreadmill last evening; probably a round robin of pullups, situps, pushups
10 min EMOM
2 Squat Cleans, pick your weight

For time:
45 cal row
30 toes 2 bar
15 deadlift 315#
30 cal row
20 toes 2 bar
10 deadlift 315#
15 cal row
10 toes 2 bar
5 deadlift 315#
just a quick workout

10 sets of: 20 pushups, 20 situps, 5 pullups

tomorrow we're supposed to get up into the upper 20's Saturday and Sunday- hope to get some outside miles racked up
tough run this afternoon- about 11.5 miles, normally a little over two hours; 4-5" of snow made it about three hours

I did see a bobcat though :)


give or take :D

if the weatherman isn't lying again, we're supposed to get near 30 tomorrow- plan is a snowshoe or ski outing into the Elkhorns
Death by Front Squat
Min 1 2 reps
Min 2 4 reps
Min 3 6 reps
Use your bodyweight, continue until you can't complete the number of reps in 1 minute

7 min AMRAP
3 clean and jerk 135#
3 toes 2 bar
6 clean and jerk
6 toes 2 bar
9 clean and jerk
9 toes 2 bar
10 rounds of:

30 seconds of DB thrusters 45/30

30 seconds of rest

30 seconds of burpees

30 seconds of rest
strength training last night

squats 5/5/5
bench 5/5/5
deadlifts 5/5/5
pullups 3x10
dips 3x20
incline situps 3x30

the Arctic weather continues here, probably going to get on the dreadmill this evening :(
8 Minute EMOM
4-10 HSPU

EMOM For as many rounds as possible, if you fail before the 6th round. Rest and make sure to get 6 rounds in.
3 Power Cleans (185#)
3 Front Squats (185#)
3 Jerks (185#)