
tough run this afternoon- about 11.5 miles, normally a little over two hours; 4-5" of snow made it about three hours

I did see a bobcat though :)


You, sir, are an animal.
Crossfit Baseline for time
500m row
40 air squats
30 ab mat sit ups
20 push ups
10 pull ups

12 min EMOM
7 KBS 70lbs
7 burpees

5 KBS 70#
5 Burpees

5 KBS 53#
5 burpees
You, sir, are an animal.

Danke kind Sir :) that run is one of my favorite out and backs, it gives me four good climbs almost equidistant from each other, but also four good descents where I can catch my breath a little. This last time out with the snow made it much more difficult on the ascents (wasn't too bad down).

Sadly looks like the treadmill this evening, we got a foot of snow last night and barely going to break 10 degrees today- doesn't look much better in days to come :(
as far as possible in 10 minutes:

10 power cleans 95/65

15 c2b pull ups

10 power cleans 135/95

15 c2b pull ups

10 power cleans 155/105

15 c2b pull ups

10 power cleans 185/125

15 c2b pull ups

10 power cleans 205/135

15 c2b pull ups

10 power cleans 225/155

15 c2b pull ups


10 minutes to establish a

1RM squat snatch


EMOM for 20 minutes:

squat snatch+hang squat snatch @ 75%
5.5 miles (46 minutes) on the treadmill; this arctic isn't going to break until early next week so looks like some time on the treadmill :(
4.5 of "hills" on the treadmill last evening, looking like another treadmill day sadly

when it does finally warm up I'll be breaking out my running snowshoes- we've got a little over a foot of snow :)
"egg nog"
14 minute time cap

5 rounds
7 Deadlifts @ 275#
30 Air Squats
14 Knees to Elbow

Follow it up with a core cashout
4x :30 hollow rock hold
4x :30 superman hold
alternate those 2
finish off with3x10 V-Ups
5.5 (46 minutes) miles on the treadmill yesterday evening- treadmill getting very old

strength train this evening
Friday evening 15 sets of 20 pushups, 20 situps, 5 pullups

Today (low -24, high -7!) 10.5 miles on the treadmill 1:34:00; more than likely a treadmill session tomorrow too :(
4 rounds of:

12 thrusters

12 c2b pull ups

*scale accordingly to finish as close to 8 minutes as possible
well I actually got outside yesterday to run- it climbed to 17 which felt like 40 :) well over a foot of snow, so had to don my running snowshoes; this 5.5 mile loop normally takes me about 50 minutes, with snowshoes and a foot of snow just over two hours- very tough run!

going to strength train this evening



AMRAP in 6 minutes of:

8 deadlifts 165/105

8 burpees

rest 1 minute

AMRAP in 4 minutes of:

8 deadlifts 225/155

8 burpees

rest 1 minute

AMRAP in 2 minutes of:

8 deadlifts 275/185

8 burpees
strength trained yesterday evening

squats 5/5/5
bench 5/5/5
overhead press 5/5/5
chins 3x10
dips 3x25
situps 3x30

going to break the running snowshoes out this evening
5.5 miles on snowshoes Tuesday evening with a little blizzard thrown in for good measure :)

4.5 miles on microspikes this evening, many of the trails are getting packed down enough I don't snowshoes anymore
Been slacking on posting workouts!!

Today was a 22 Minute Partner AMRAP
2 Rope Climb
12 KB Swing (70#)
22 Calorie Bike.

Partner A starts on rope, b swing, a bike. Alternate each movement.

5 rounds

Row 250 m

9 EB High Hang Power Snatch

Strength: 5 x 1 min. Max rep Power Snatch @ 75% 1RM

*Rest 2 min. b/t rounds

a.)5 RFT

Row 300 m

15 Toes-to-bar

b.)10 x 10 Kipping HSPU

*each set must be UB

Happy to be home for the holidays.
10 min every two minutes
Back squat
Start around 70% 1 rep max and increase load every set

13 min AMRAP
55 Deadlift 225#
55 Wall balls 20#
55 cal row
55 hand stand push ups
a crisp 4.5 mile run yesterday evening- as soon as the sun starts down, the temps really plummet- run started in the high teens, in under an hour the temp dropped almost ten degrees

strength training planned for this evening