
12 min EMOM
2 squat cleans

10 min AMRAP
2 ground to overhead 185#
3 rounds Cindy
-5 pull ups
-10 push ups
-15 air squats
40 double unders

20 minutes to work to a 1 rep max or heavy set on back squat

5 rounds
2 minutes
10 Power Snatch 115#
10 box jumps 24"
10 pull ups
KBS 70#, as many reps as possible

Rest 2 min repeat for 5 rounds
12 min EMOM
Even 2 power cleans
Odd 1 power clean 2 front squats

7 min AMRAP
28 double unders
8 clean and jerk #135
5 over the bar burpees

2 min rest

6 min AMRAP
9 cal row/9 cal bike (switch every round)
4 Snatch #135
8 OH lunges #45 plate
Front squat 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Tabata Style
Assult Bike
Hanging Power Snatch 115#
Wall Balls 20#
Chest 2 bar pull ups

1 min between exercises
Run 1 mile
20 KBS 53#
10 head cutters 53#
Run 800m
20 KBS
10 head cutters
Run 400m
20 KBS
10 head cutters
Run 200m
20 KBS
10 head cutters
Run 100m
20 KBS
10 head cutters
Clean and Jerk 5 sets of 2

4 min AMRAP
10 cal row
5 over the rower burpees
10 abmat sit ups

rest 2 min

4 min AMRAP
10 toes 2 bar
5 cal bike
10 box jump overs
12 min EMOM
2 clean and Jerk

500m row
20 bar muscle ups
20 hand release push ups
500m row
20 strict pull ups
20 hand release push ups
500m row
20 chest to bar
20 hand release push ups

Cash out
30 hollow rocks
40 bicycles
50 russian twists with KB
60 heel touches
Deadlift 5 sets of 3. Start at 70% of 1 rep max and work to 85%

14 min AMRAP
15 one arm dumbbell snatches 50#
20 wall balls 20#
25 double unders

Cash out 3 rounds
15 toes to bar
15 hollow rocks
30 seconds battle ropes
Partner WOD
100 KBS 55#
400m run
100 thrusters 45#
400m run
80 burpees
400 m run
100 thrusters
400m run
100 KBS

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7 min AMRAP
10 clean and jerk (full squat clean) 155#
Then begin AMRAP with
6 pull ups
9 push ups
12 air squats

rest 2min

6 minutes
8 Clean and Jerk
6 pull ups
9 push ups
12 air squats

rest 2 min

6 clean and jerk
6 pull ups
9 push ups
12 air squats

The clean and jerk is only done once at the start time, then move into the AMRAP portion
Start the AMRAP where you left off the previous round, if you got through the pull ups and say 3 push ups in the first 7 minutes when you get to AMRAP portion in second round you do 6 more pushups then to air squats etc.

Tougher than I thought it was going to be.
Deadlift 4 sets of 5. Start at 70% of 1 rep max

200m run
20 OH lunges 20# med ball
20 situps with 20# med ball

Mobility Wod. Been doing these for the last couple weeks when there is time. Basically prolonged stretching.
12 min EMOM
3 full cleans

2 Rounds

2 minutes
Row 250m
AMRAP burpees

rest 2 min

2 min
250m row

2 min rest

2 min
250m row
AMRAP sit ups
5 sets 3 strict press
GHD sit ups between sets

4 rounds
1 min each station

Air assault bike
Ring dips
GHD sit ups
KBS 70#
1 min rest

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