
Question for you Crossfit pros. I watched a video on the 14.5 and noticed the plates were tall, even at a lower weight. Is this to prevent excessive bending over? My weights are old 1" stuff with small diameter. I kind of like them because I have like three sets. One in the basement, one outside and one for taking camping. They are all rusty and manly. :)
I'd be really careful with that 50# ruck run. That's a lot of stress and impact to be putting on your joints.

You are probably correct. I wouldn't really call it 'running' but more as a smooth forward motion. It hurts my knees way more to bend past 90-degrees with a load than this. I have Brooks Beast shoes and padded orthotic inserts. The biggest thing that was sore was my traps but I have no belt. I actually felt pretty good afterwards, surprisingly to even me.
Yea I'd be careful with the ruck run. I know a lot of guys say running with weight is a no no.


Warmup up 50 air squats and 50 push-ups, along with a .5 mile jog

25 #95 thrusters

X3 for time
15 push-ups
10 pull-ups
5 hand stand push ups

Finished up by a couple 1/4 mile sprints.
Question for you Crossfit pros. I watched a video on the 14.5 and noticed the plates were tall, even at a lower weight. Is this to prevent excessive bending over? My weights are old 1" stuff with small diameter. I kind of like them because I have like three sets. One in the basement, one outside and one for taking camping. They are all rusty and manly. :)

That's just the way bumper plates are, assuming you are talking about bumper plates, as I have not seen the video. Bumper plates are rubber or plastic and are the same diameter of a regular #45 plate. They come in all kinds of colors and are real perdy like. ..it also looks like you are hang-cleaning a small bus which is awesome for the babes.
I missed a number in my earlier post it was 21-18-15-12-9-6-3. It flat sucked. Took me 20:57. That round of 15 was just a bi$%. 15 is a really good time.

Froening is just ridiculous. He had the highest score in all 5 open workouts. Just on another level like professionals in any sport.

Bumper plates as arbutusbucks said. They are designed to be dropped. Handy if you have to ditch the weight or when you get tired and can drop it after a rep on deadlift, cleans etc.

I don't participate in the games but if you just want to train it doesn't get much better than that today.
Just as a correction to above, Froning wasn't number 1 in all 5 of the Open Workouts. He was 4th, 2nd, 8th, 1st and Currently in 1st in the last workout.

He is the fittest in the world and unless he gets injured will walk away as the winner this year. It will be 4 years in a row and those 4 title will be worth a little more than 1 million dollars. Extremely impressive.
Froning is an absolute machine. On the Crossfit Games website there is a video about 50 minutes long that shows a day in the life of Rich Froning. It is amazing, but he does four to six workouts a day, everyday.

There are some other videos with him and Dan Bailey that follow them for day. It is ridiculous to think what they do.
I did the 14.5 today and this workout sucked!!! It took me 19:23 and I was toast after it. You don't really know how fit these guys and girls are in tell you do one of these workouts and compare times. This was by far the hardest workout I have ever done!
Ouch. We will do 14.5 today and I just looked it up:


Thrusters 95#
Bar Burpees (do burpee jump over your bar, do next one jump back over the bar etc)

Yep, I had that WOD of Friday. Freakin' BRUTAL! Took me 20.47, some folks did it in 15 min.
42:45. End of my 2nd week ever of crossfit. Anything else I say about this will get me kicked off the board for inappropriate language.