
Ran the rack. 10 sets of 10 reps, no scheduled rest, worked steady but not frantic.
DB racked deep squats- 10s up to 50s with 2 sets at the 50s

2 sets, no rest
DB Lunge- 35s x 10ea
1 arm overhead bulgarian split squad- 25 x 5ea

My wife did the burpee challenge last December. I’ll pass. Schedule the next couple weeks sucks. Plan is to try and build back up on weight, but keep my hiking up after that.
Planning on a good hike tomorrow, so lifted today. Tried increasing weight and volume.

Did my full stretch/mobility warmup
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Good Mornings- 45 x 7
Plyos (jump squat/scissor lunge/box jump)- x 5ea

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 375. Felt like shit on the last couple, backed off

Bench Squats- 225 x 75 reps for time (5:01)

My best friend and I used to do 225 for 101 during the winter on Sundays for competition. We lived a long ways apart, but would text results. I haven’t been doing the 101 the last couple years. Been doing 51, or 21/15/9. I may work my way back up. Timed, extended sets and hypoxia training is why they invented the ice bath.
6x every 1:30
2 push press + push jerk

partner workouts

6min amrap
5 s2oh #155
20 dubs
Pt 1 does a rd while PT2 does max wall ball
Rest 1:30

8 min amrap
5 s2oh
20 dubs
10 wall ball
PT1 does a rd while PT2 does max burpee
Rest 1:30

10 min amrap
5 s2oh
20 dubs
10 wall ball
5 burpee
PT1 does a rd PT2 is max bike cals

Im on track at 300 burpee (100per day)
7 miles (1300') for Tiny Elvis and I.

Had two big dogs in the middle of nowhere come charging in on us, they got to about 30 feet and put a round into a tree between them- that did the trick. I honestly thought I was going to have to kill those dogs. If I see them again charging us, they'll be magpie feed.

Other than that, a beautiful winter day.

My oldest and I left the truck before daylight at -4 and had a hard fought, 8.5mi and 2800vert. Tons of snow, ledges, boulder fields, a stretch of downfall belly button high and some snowshoeing. We didn’t get to his camera location, but we made the loop. Saw a buck that was a shooter and about a 24in forked horn still in with the does… the mulies are high.
He’s a woodsman and incredibly experienced for his age, but when he says he’s planning on going to a few different locations… dad makes sure that he tags along. In this country, things change from hunting season to full blown winter mountaineering pretty quick. I’m tired, but the dog is worn out. Pic is from when we spotted the bucks, the dog wasn’t too impressed.


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