
First time going through this thread so I figured I’d post what I did this morning. There’s some good workouts that have been posted and that I want to add to my quiver in the future.

Warm Up:
2k Row- moderate pace (keep your heart rate below 140bpm)
5 rounds
1. 10x Wall Ball
2. 20x sit ups
3. Shoulder dislocate stretch

(1) Max effort (keep time of you feel inclined)
-Run 400m
10x sand bag get-up @ 100# sand bag
40x Jumping Lunges (20x each leg)
-Run 400m
7x sand bag get-up
30x Jumping Lunges (15x each leg)
-Run 400m
5x sand bag get-up
20x Jumping Lunges (10x each leg)
-Run 400m
3x sand bag get-up
10x Jumping lunges (5x each leg)

(2) 10 Rounds (grind, not for time)
5x Strict Pull up
10x Dip
15x Elevated Push up
4 miles (800') with my wife and Tiny Elvis

Man super bummed, hit a very nice buck yesterday, with what i thought was a great shot , never found him. I searched the area all day with no luck.

Snatch complex every :90 x 8 sets
1power snatch+2hang power snatch

Partner wod
15 min amrap
5 snatch #95
10 chest to bar
Partner 1 complete a round P2 max cal bike then switch

Bowhunting sucks sometimes
Split up today. I took the Mrs. just over 3000vert and 6.5mi. My oldest took his younger brother up a steeper, cliffy ridge with a before daylight stream ford. We saw a handful of bucks and my wife passed on a muley my youngest would have shot in a second. With the bulls and bucks we already have, she said she’d only shoot something real nice. She held strong to her statement. We’ll look for his sheds in March and next year he’ll definitely be a shooter.
Tomorrow is the last day of the season and the weather is supposed to be the shits. It’s been a good season.
10 minutes on assault bike @>55rpm
3 rounds:
10 x body weight squats
5 x pull up
10 x bottoms up KB press @ 25#


1) 4 rounds no break
sand bag squats x 10 @ 100# (bear hug the sand bag)
Incline DB Press x 10 @ 60#
Pendlay row x 10, 135#

2) 3 rounds (breaks as necessary)
90 second plank
DB suitcase deadlifts x 40 @ 55#
KB Swings x 20 @ 50#
Lunge x 10
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Good lift and end of the season chores. Schedule is going to suck the next few weeks. PT will be whatever I can fit in. My ribs aren’t as tender, so I tried a few moves today I’ve been staying away from.
Did my full stretch/mobility warmup
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Plyos (jump squat/scissor lunge/box jump)- x 5ea

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 365

Bench Squats- 225 x 51 reps for time (3:40)

5 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench- 45/95/135/155/165 x 20/20/15/10/10
Dead- 45/95/135/185/225 x 15 (5 with all 3 grips)
Hanging Toes 2 Bar- 10

Farmer’s Carry- 75s x 90sec

Always a little depressing when the sun goes down on the last day even if you’re tagged out… Another off season
4 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/45/55/65 x 15/15/12/10
Push Up- x 15
DB Curl- 15/20/25/30 x 10

2 sets Plyos
Side 2 Side Med Ball Push up- x 5ea side
Barbell Power Curl- 45 x 5

2 sets, no rest
Bench- 195/205 x 5
Preacher Curl-65/75 x 12/10

2 sets, no rest
DB Bench- 55/60 x 12
Barbell Reverse Curl- 55 x 12

3 sets, no rest
Forearm Curls- 75 x 12/12/8
TRX Push Up- x 5 real slow tempo
30 min indoor bike

2.75-mile weighted hike with the dogs

For those of you following along or concerned: The war is over and the pecan pie is no more. I'll be honest, when I hit the front lines of battle on Thursday, I had my concerns. I had fought this foe numerous times and it's never been easy. I am proud to say that this time I came away the victor. It is true that the signs of battle are present, my pants and the scale both show signs of the war-torn wreckage that is so often left behind after things like this. But we will rebuild.
The good news is that after having witnessed the defeat of such a mighty force the cheesecake, who nearly joined forces with the pecan pie when I was at my lowest, has retreated to the freezer to live another day. I know that the day will come when I will have to step up again and fight but for now we rejoice and celebrate over what has been accomplished.
I appreciate your support in this trying time and wish you all peace and healthy eating for the days ahead.
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a little to too cold for me to hit the trails, so.......

3 miles on the dreadmill

strength train this afternoon

deadlifts 5/5/5+/amrap @ 65/75/85/65% of 1RM
overhead press 5/5/5+/amrap @ 65/75/85/65% of 1RM
mtn lunges 3x10
chin-ups 20-20-19