
Didn’t post yesterday but it was a pretty boring workout:

1 hour run for distance. I haven’t done this for a couple months since I’ve been keeping my runs to shorter duration, max effort workouts. Went 7.5 miles in 60 minutes. I’m not a distance runner and I really have to force myself to do anything over 4 miles.

Probably won’t workout today. I was up until midnight tying up loose ends before movers show up to pack my house. We’ll see how I feel at the end of the day.
We are doing 100 burpee everyday in the month of December , 3100 burpee. Anyone want to give their discipline a challenge ?

Not sure how this would rate with the Sally pushup challenge, but that one sucked-bad! Better concentrate on getting my strength training back up after a short 10 week hiatus :eek: so will pass :)

4 miles (800') this afternoon with my wife and Tiny Elvis- a bit chilly!
That sally up challenge did/does suck bad! I revisited the challenge a couple of weeks ago (after some urging from my kids) after a several month hiatus and got 22/30 pushups, my best score yet. Maybe I'll try it again in another six months!

2 miles today.
Got up earlier than I needed to but the last round of household goods is leaving today and wanted to get a short run in before the movers came.

Warm up:

5 x 10 burpees


10 x 60/120 intervals (jog during the rest)

I’ll likely hit the gym after the movers leave this afternoon.