
@InkedElkSlayer - congrats to your son, very nice buck!

No bull yesterday, but plenty of pain & suffering :D 10 miles and 2600' of ascent in 6-36" of snow. My buddy just after a big climb, discovered he had left his bio harness where we ate lunch- so he had to drop about 700' into a creek bottom, climb another 300' to our lunch spot, come back and climb that 700' again!!!!!!! I think it was only about two miles round trip, but he definitely picked the wrong two miles :ROFLMAO:
Back squat 4x3
Supermans 5x5 (hold 2 secs top of each)

Little circuit of sorts for 2 rounds,
V-grip pullups
deficit pushups
bulgarian split squats
tricep dips

I ruptured my achilles 3 years ago (twice in 6 months) and I have caught heck trying to get back to a balanced squat. Admittedly, I have neglected it a lot over this time because of the frustration and bruised ego. After today's session, I have decided to bite the bullet and spend the next 2-3 blocks of training doing nothing but unilateral work to get some sort of balance of strength back. Hello, Dumbbells!
Legs- did my full stretch/mobility warmup
4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Plyos- x 5ea

2 sets plyos, 5ea
36in box jump
35lbs snatch to scissor lunge
25lbs front jump squats

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 345

Bench Squats (1min rest)- 225 x 21/15/9

3 sets, 1min rest
Hack Squat- 135/185/205 x 12

Going out for a solo recon day for mule deer. 2 tags and a few days left.
Bird season for us in full swing so we are stacking miles (not so much the birds) Belle (my ES) is handling better each outing and now we are back home resting up. Been heavy on the running the last 3 days

2.5 training walk (dog)
Stretch/15 min yoga
Simple 5x5 strength training (deads/squats/bench/OHP) and some ancillary exercises (PU and core)

Ohh and I got a bead on another setter. He will be here in March so I’m pumped for that
Like @mtwarden said… -7 a couple days ago, 37 this morning.

My youngest and I did 3000vert in 3hrs. Then completed an 8.5mi loop. Steady state cardio day for sure. A dink whitetail WAY above where they should be elevationally, some mulie does, we jumped what looked like a pretty good bull, and a bunch more whitetail as we walked out.

I’m gonna have some beers and the boys have wrestling practice.
Hanging pull up ladder to 10

5 sets. No break.
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/125/135 x 12/10/8/6/5
Shrug- same
Decline Sit Up- x 12

2 sets, no rest
Dead/shrug- 185 x 2 reps ea with all 3 grips
Arnold Press- 30s x 12
Seated frog kick abs- 12

2 sets, 1min
DB Dead & Shrug- 75s x 6

My oldest guided his buddy to another good mulie yesterday. I’m going to have him take over as guide for the youngest, I can’t seem to find another shooter. They’ve done well in this huge cliffy drainage they horn hunted a ton. The muleys in their are hybrids with mountain goats.
Hope y’all had a great thanksgiving.

@InkedElkSlayer great buck for your son. Y’all are stacking up the critters like cord wood.

Hit it yesterday morning before the food feast started

No rest
Low incline bar press 20/10/10/8/20 135-215
db barrel press 18/15/12/12
Cable fly 20/15/15/12

db lateral raises 20/20/15/15
db shrugs 25/25/20/20 65#

Close grip press 15/12/12/10/20 115-175
db skull crushers 18/15/12/12
Rope exts/rev grip slow press 18/15/15/12