
For the last few years I've come up with a birthday workout for myself that plays on my age.

I turned 39 the other day and kept it simple: row 39km. It took me three hours (@ 2:15/500m pace; I had to grab some pedialytes which cost me five minutes).

A friend of mine naturally asked, "Why'd you stop so close to the marathon?"
18 miles (5000') with my wife and Tiny Elvis hiked into a high lake for our 41st wedding anniversary



I'm back from the elk hunt. Congrats on the antelope and anniversary @mtwarden! Nice work everyone!

My trip went great. I saw 43 elk, including a couple of nice bulls, in three days of scouting. When a young 4x3 walked through on opening morning I couldn't keep my finger off the trigger. Maybe next year I'll become a trophy elk hunter!
22' elk camp.jpg22' elk.jpg22' elk packout.jpg

2 miles today.
^ thanks and congrats! I really (really) like elk meat, so if it's legal- I'm not holding out :D Although this year I have an extra cow tag, so maybe harvest cow and then hold out for a big bull????

of course nothing guaranteed on getting a cow either :)

4 miles (700') w/ my wife and Tiny Elvis this morning; found where they have a new trail flagged in- will make a nice little loop in conjunction with the existing trail
@sargent congrats on your elk !

Quick one today
Compound sets
Incline db press/ decline cable fly
18/10/10/15/15 4x15

3x thru circuit, no rest each set 10-20 reps or failure
Tricep cable pushdown/barbell curl/barbell nose breakers/db hammer/reverse grip preacher pushdown/incline db curl