
^ my wife goes to yoga as well; says I should start going too- need to take her up on it one of these days!

There was lots of balance work. I kept thinking about how that was going to really pay off the next time I’m caught mid stalk/mid step and I have to stand there perfectly still for 3 minutes with only one foot on the ground!

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
6 miles (1200') very early with Tiny Elvis

5 sets, no rest
Bench-45/95/135/185/205 x 20 down to 108
Preacher Curl-45/55/65/75/85 x 15 down to 10

4 sets, no rest
Incline BD Bench-75s x 10
DB Curl- 35 x 10
Push Up- x 20
Barbell Reverse Curl-55 x 10

Farmer’s Carry- 75s x 125yds

Short on time, tried rolling through steady and quick. Not frantic, but steady with no rest
Every 90 seconds for 15 rounds (Alternating, 3x through)
-15 pull-ups + 10 alt DB Snatches (50#)
-22 cal C2 machine
-15 burpees
-20 GHD sit-ups + 15 push-ups
-2 squat snatch @ 80%+

Jesus! Man that looks tough! Pretty sure I’d fall behind PDQ.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
- 5 min DU Practice
- 5 min HS Walking

- Power Clean 7x3 @ 75% (155#)
- Strict Pull-ups 10 -> 1

(With 20/14# Vest)
- 50’ walking Lunges
- 15 Push-ups

(285 RX)
Deceptively simple, but it turns into a long 15 minutes. 30pts/rd, I got in 9.5 of them. Pretty happy with this score, put me in a tie for 10th place on the board.

Then 9 arrows at 17 yards, all in the bullseye like they should be at 17 yards.

Then an hour long Yoga class at the YMCA. I can’t believe I haven’t been doing more of this before now.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
Hypertrophy workout
Suicides between sets

Standing Single arm barbell press 20/15/12/10/10 45-80#
Seated flys 4x15-20
Weighted dips 12/10/10/10 25#

Compound set
Barbell skull crushers/close grip press 45-75# 20/15/15/12 (close grip to failure)
Single arm rope extensions 4x failure

Cable lateral raises 4x20-25
Warm up hanging pull ups- 4 sets of 7

5 sets. No break.
Hanging Clean & Press- 45/95/115/135/145 x 12/10/10/8/6
Shrug- same
Arnold Press-20/25/30/35/40 x 12/10/10/10/10
Hanging Line Digger Pull Up-8
TRX knees 2 chest-15

2 sets
Dead/shrug- 4/5 ea grip
Barbell Row- 65 x 12

DB Full Clean & Press- 35s for 30 reps
4 rounds:
Minute 1) 1 High Hang Squat Clean
Minute 2) 1 Hang Squat Clean
Minute 3) 1 Squat Clean
Start @ 65%, built to a heavy set; only add weight if you hit all 3 lifts

For time:
200m run
20 double DB deadlifts (50#)
20 double DB hang cleans
20 double DB shoulder to overhead
200m run
20 double DB deadlifts
20 double DB hang cleans
20 double DB shoulder to overhead
200m run
2.3 miles 60# pack

Pre exhaust 2x25 front pull down

T bar pulldown 18/15/12/10/15
Incline db high row 20/15/12/15
db hyper exts 2x25 pause 3 sec top
Seated rear delts 4x15-20
Incline hanging preacher curls 25/12/12/15 45-65#
db hammers 20/10/10/15 30-40#
Single arm cable curl 18/12/12/15
- 5 Min HS Walking Practice

Strength - EMOM16
- 3 Split Jerks from floor @ 75% (155#)
- 10 Heavy KBS

WOD - For Time: 4/8/12/16 (19min cap)
- Front Squats (185#)
- Toe 2 Bar
- Row 500m after each round

(Timecapped at 3 of 16 FS, RX)
I had no business going for the RX today, but I’ve always been susceptible to peer pressure . Man that was heavy, I spent 1/3 of this WOD just staring at that bar that I didn’t want to pick up.

Then an hour of Yoga

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle