
Tris/Back/Abs. Short on time
Warm up Hanging Pull Up Ladder to 10

5 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/195 x 20 down to 8
Bent over DB Row- 25/30/35/35 x 10
Alternate TRX Inverted Row/Pull Up- x 10, 21 on last set
Decline Sit Up- 15lbs x 15

Moved fast between exercises
Dead- 135 x 20
Dip- 25lbs x 20
Farmer’s Carry- 60s x 125yds
6 miles with the pup in the high stuff , shes pooped



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- 100 DU for time, 5:00 Cap

(4:08). I know that time sucks but it’s better than last time when I got time capped at 93 reps.

- Split Jerks - 8x3 @ 70%

- Deadlift - 3 @ 60/70/80%

WOD - 2021 CF Games Masters Event 2
For Time, complete 5 rounds of:
- 1 legless Rope Climb
- 5 Deadlifts (345/215#)

My current 1RM is below 345#, so I went with the Ladies RX weight which is 65% and a good % target for a WOD with 25 reps in it. But, I am extremely proud to say that I did all 5 of the legless rope climbs! I’ve only ever done one before. To get 5 of them in one WOD is something I never thought I’d be able to do. I went very slow in this WOD. I took my time, chalked up, caught my breath, and did everything I could to keep from falling the top of the rope! Last thing I’d want is an injury 1 month away from My elk hunt. But boy did that feel good to complete that.

Then some HS walking practice after class (getting better!).

And finally 12 arrows at 44.5 yards

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
Grinder partner WOD with #100 bag

400m sand bag bear hug carry
40 burpee over sb
40 sb squats
40 over shoulder toss

300m sb carry
30 burpee over sb
30 sb squats
30 over shoulder toss

200m sb carry
20 burpee over sb
20 sb squats
20 over shoulder toss

100m sb carry
10 burpee over sb
10 sb squats
10 over shoulder toss

Partition how you want just get it done
Did 3 sections on benton mackaye, ~30-35# pack. Parked at trailhead friday after work and hightailed it until dark and went a little further with my headlamp to the next campsite.

Actually walked up on a black bear, figured he was a 3-4 years old. I was on the trail and it was worn and it was really quiet. It got dusky dark and i heard heavy brething just off the trail after going around a bend and up a mob, looked over and by george it was a bear!! I whuffed at him and yelled and it nearly fell over with surprise befire he tore on down the ridge.

Made camp, enjoyed my hikers pantry pad thai chicken meal, slept pretty good. Woke up and flat boogied all day and got picked up at 3 ocklock.

Total 16.9 miles
4608 feet of elevation
From hwy 60 at little skeenah gap to old dial road
Good long Saturday WOD to wrap up a solid week….

“Lowry” - For Time:

- Buy In = 1 mile Run, then….

- Complete 3 Rounds of:
- 11 Clusters (135#)
- 24 Box Jump Ups (24”)
- 23 Sit-ups

- Buy Out = 2012m Row

(46:33 RX)

Way Harder than I thought! I Finished the Run in 7:33, but then I struggled thru the Clusters. That’s a heavy weight for me to hit 33 times, so it was all singles with longer than I’d like to admit breaks between reps. Pretty sure I did 2-3 extra reps in the last round. I was so dead tired that I just kept losing track of my rep count. I expected the Row to be the easiest part but I don’t ever remember a harder Row in my life. By the time I got to it my legs were organizing a mutiny.

Then 9 arrows at 52.5 yards

My replacement pack belt came in today so I’m hoping to start getting in some rucking now. Only 4 weeks until my boots are in WY.

I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made this year. Lots of 1st’s and new skills acquired, some big PR’s that I’m proud of. I’m down 12 pounds and I know I’ve added muscle. I Love the way my clothes are fitting me now, but I still have 10-15 lbs I’d like to drop.

But…. I start a new job on Wednesday. The office is an hour away. I’ve been out of the corp world for about 5 months and it’s been so nice to focus on health and fitness and have much lower stress levels and zero deadlines; no client lunches or dinners, full nights of sleep; time with my kid over the summer…. But, I’ve found the gig that I’ve been holding out for and I’m excited to get back to work. Balancing things will be a challenge.

Have a great weekend men!

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle

Pull-ups 4x15-20 failure
db bent over row 4x15-20 65-75#
Seated high cable row 20/15/15/12

Rear delt fly 4x20

Hanging preacher bar curls 20/15/15/10 55#
Incline db curls 4xfailure 10-15# slow
Cable rope hammer curls 4x15-20

After gym hit the trail 2.5 mi 60# pack
680vert PT hike in the moonlight and grey light early this morning with 40lbs

Mid morning
4 warm up sets. No rest
Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 15
1-arm barbell snatch- 45/55/65/75 x 5ea
Fisio sit up- x 20

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 385
Bench Squats- 225 plus Loggers Chains x 51 reps for time

Skidder Tire Flip- 30 reps in 2:48

Farmer’s Carry- 75s for 100yds
Active Recovery Day…

My replacement pack belt finally came in so I got the pack out back together, loaded up my 50# sandbag, and took her out for a spin on a Creekside trail behind the house right at dawn

- Ruck 2.3 Miles, 45’ish minutes, negligible gain

Then a Yoga class mid-day with my wife. Man I need to do more of that. My lower back feels better already. I Signed up for another one tomorrow.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle