
DB Step Up/Burpee Push Ups
1 step up ea side and 4 push ups (5 Sets of 10ea/40 w/ No rest).
20/25/30/35/40- Total 50ea/200 push ups

Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 10

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405

Bench Squats- 305 x 21/15/9, 1min rest

3 sets Hack Squat- 135/185/205 x 15

1 set DB Lunges- 45s x 10ea
Are you wearing a heart rate monitor to keep track of that?

just the crappy one on my watch; I keep threatening to but a chest strap (with Bluetooth) but haven’t yet

not sure I want to go down the rabbit hole with all the minutiae associated with AeT and all, as what I’m doing seems to work pretty good :)
DB Step Up/Burpee Push Ups
1 step up ea side and 4 push ups (5 Sets of 10ea/40 w/ No rest).
20/25/30/35/40- Total 50ea/200 push ups

Squats/Calf Raise-45/95/135/185 x 10

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 405

Bench Squats- 305 x 21/15/9, 1min rest

3 sets Hack Squat- 135/185/205 x 15

1 set DB Lunges- 45s x 10ea

You are a strong MOFO. Those are serious weight and reps you keep throwing around!

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Injuries suck. I’ve spent almost 2 hours today rolling around on a racketball trying to get these spasms to ease up. Seems a little better but no where close to normal.

1 hour on the elliptical, slow and easy pace. All zone 1 & 2.

Then back to the foam roller & racketball…

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db incline press 20/10/10/10/15 70/80/80/80/55#
Weighted dips 25# plate 4x15/10/10/10
Seated cable flys 4x15-20

Compound set- no rest
db lateral static hold 4x failure/plate seated hay lift 45# 4x20

Rev grip preacher bar pushdown 4x30/20/15/15 55-75#
Single arm rope pushdown 3x15
You are a strong MOFO. Those are serious weight and reps you keep throwing around!

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Appreciate the encouragement. We all take slightly different approaches, but have the same end state.
Squats work the largest and strongest muscle complex in the body. They are VERY mental, the body can squat much more than the brain thinks it can.
That said, some things I lift heavy and others not so much. I religiously do Deads, but I just don’t Dead heavy. Several years back I would Squat and Dead the same #s and I just didn’t like doing Deads heavy. I feel in full control and I like the pre-exhaust, heavy warm ups with Squats. With Deads, I just felt like I was going to pull something if I kept going.
There are others on here that are pretty damn strong. Some envious Front Squat #s have been posted. Hell, Hardly _Hangin says he hasn’t been lifting for strength long and he’s reping 365 on Deads!
Keep it up fellas.
Friday. Tired, stiff and took it a little easy today.

1.5mi. warm up run with 300vert

Pull Up Ladder to 10

6 sets, no rest
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185/205/215 x 20 down to 6
Dead-45/95/135/185/225/245x 12
OH Fisio Sit Up- x 20

Last set, went straight to Hanging Pull Up for 30, rest/pause, then 10 more
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I’m Still taking it very easy and hoping this muscle strain calms down soon. Since Monday I’ve gotten 2 sessions of dry needling, I’ve been icing/heating 3-4 times/day of each, and spending 2-3/day hours on a foam roller/racket ball, but I haven’t gotten any relief in 5 days. The nights are terrible. So, today I Finally hit the easy button and went to see my primary care physician, script for a muscle relaxer should be filled within the hour and I can’t hardly wait.

- strict pull-ups (12, 10, 8, 6, 4)
- 10 heavy wall balls (I sub’d these out for 10 strict press at 50%)

WOD - For Time:
- 400m 2KB Farmers Carry (52/35#)
- 800m Run
- 300m Farmers Carry
- 600m Run
- 200m Farmers Carry
- 400m Run
- 100m Farmers Carry
- 200m Run

(23:24). Scaled the KB weight way down to just 2x18#. Very light jog. Moving and getting a sweat going makes things feel better, I’m just staying away from anything that hurts.

Interestingly there was some tension between the owner and the coach that programmed this WOD over fear of inducing heat stroke. It’s just been ungodly hot down here. Worst summer I can ever remember. It was august in June.

Then 18 arrows at 43 yards…

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Every 1:30 x 5 sets
1 power clean+2 hang power clean

3 rds :30 rest between each 3 min amrap
3 min amrap
1 power clean #185
2 front squats
3 t2b

Rest 2 min

3 rds :30 rest between each amrap
3 hang power clean #135
6 front squats
9 sit ups

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