
Appreciate the encouragement. We all take slightly different approaches, but have the same end state.
Squats work the largest and strongest muscle complex in the body. They are VERY mental, the body can squat much more than the brain thinks it can.
That said, some things I lift heavy and others not so much. I religiously do Deads, but I just don’t Dead heavy. Several years back I would Squat and Dead the same #s and I just didn’t like doing Deads heavy. I feel in full control and I like the pre-exhaust, heavy warm ups with Squats. With Deads, I just felt like I was going to pull something if I kept going.
There are others on here that are pretty damn strong. Some envious Front Squat #s have been posted. Hell, Hardly _Hangin says he hasn’t been lifting for strength long and he’s reping 365 on Deads!
Keep it up fellas.
Like @InkedElkSlayer replied so well. Strength builds over time, there are many variables that impact how fast your strength increases and muscle development is impacted. There’s also those of us who used to push the weight like y’all do, but as we age our strength changes as well as the pain we feel afterwards for the lifts he mentioned. I still have that young mentality until my body tells me I don’t quite have that strength I think I do. The great aspect about this thread is there are decades of knowledge and experience with workouts in the gym and training to hunt. You can ask anybody about their workout and develop a custom workout that fits you and your goals. Continue to get after it and grind it out gents.
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60# 2.5 mile ruck this morning- awful 82 deg 78% rel humidity.
Back/rear delts/ bicep this evening hypertrophy

Bent over barbell row 20/10/10/10/15 115/155/175/190/105
Front pull down 15/10/10/10/15 105/135/150/135/90
Seated cable bent over row 20/10/10/15/15 130/190/230/130/110
Weighted hyper extensions 45# plate 4x20

Cable rear delt flys 4x20 failure

Rope cable curls 30/20/10/10/15 40/50/60/60/35
Rope drag curls 4x15 40#
db hammers 3x15 failure 30#
Still on the mend so scaling heavily…

Today was a memorial WOD created for a member who recently lost her long battle with cancer.

“Erika” EMOM25 in Teams of 4
- Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch (50/35#
- Box Jumps (30”/24”)
- Air Squats
- Row for Cal
- Rest


Scaled down to a 20lb db, 18” box step-ups, and erg Bike.

Then 12 arrows at 34 yards

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Pre exhaust sets
Leg exts 4x20-25
Leg curls 4x20-25

Leg press 15/15/12/12/15 (warm up 225/275) working set 375/405/450/475/225
db Single leg squats 4x15 failure 60#
Calf press 3x30 failure

Rotator injury preventing squats but plenty more options.
“Off day” for me gym wise. Shot my bow for hour plus this morning from 20-80 yards. Final four arrows at..67 yards 3 in the 6” orange dot and flat out dropped the fourth about 3” low

My 50 yard groups continue to improve. I’m certainly not a target shooter, but pleased with this group.

Came home mowed yard, hedge trimmed, cleaned gutters and did some house chores.


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9 mile out and back, 3000' gain bagging Elkhorn Peak with my wife and Tiny Elvis



My schedule got blown up today, but I FINALLY got a PT in…

Squat/Calf Raise- 45/95/135/185 x 10
Barbell Snatch- 45/65/85/95 x 10
Weighted OH DB Sit Ups- 10/12/15/20 x 12

Squat- 3 rep sets 225 up to 415 (got a little shallow on 415)

Bench Squat- 225 plus Logger Chains on ea side- 51 reps for time (3:29)

3 sets, no rest. Didn’t hit the stopwatch!
Racked Barbell Carry- 225 x 50yds
Skidder Tire Flip- x 10
16lb sledgehammer tire slam- 30 (hard as you can slam the mothafcker)
Farmer’s Carry- 85s x 50yds

Topic for another thread, or an addition to the bottom of the WOD post… what music do all you BAMFers listen too during PT? Mine would surprise people, especially with this call sign my wife and kids came up with for me. It’s a Ying and Yang thing I guess.
Topic for another thread, or an addition to the bottom of the WOD post… what music do all you BAMFers listen too during PT? Mine would surprise people, especially with this call sign my wife and kids came up with for me. It’s a Ying and Yang thing I guess.

For years (decades) I only listened to 60's/early 70's rock, then years ago I got free SiriusXM with my new (2012) Tacoma, started surfing channels and found Lithium (channel 34)- 90's grudge/alternative. Somehow I completely missed this entire genre. I'd be asking my kids have you ever heard of Beck, Nirvana, Bush, Cake, etc- they're like "yeah geez Dad when we were in high school" :ROFLMAO:

Anywho- that's what I listen to in the gym, no music on the trails
Topic for another thread, or an addition to the bottom of the WOD post… what music do all you BAMFers listen too during PT? Mine would surprise people, especially with this call sign my wife and kids came up with for me. It’s a Ying and Yang thing I guess.
@InkedElkSlayer man you’re on point with your PT.
Music for me GNR/AC/DC/Metallica/old school VH then I’ll roll into Godsmack/Shinedown/3 days grace/buck cherry etc.
Worked on the farm today. Cooler today only 91. Sweated enough for two. Almost stepped on a canebrake rattle snake in one of my food plots. I hate it when that happens.. he was almost 4’. That would’ve hurt.
It was interesting, the big bucks didn’t come in around the feeder. I wonder if they have a sixth sense with danger like snakes.