What's the most valuable thing you have found hunting?


Aug 29, 2021
Reading through the post about most valuable thing you have lost......

On the flip side

The most valuable thing I have found was a leica rangefinder last year. I was in the middle of nowhere....no hunters to be seen.....and not on a trail......I went to sit down on a boulder and a rangefinder was just sitting there. Batteries were low but still functioning.
For me it was a pair of Vortex Diamondback 10x42's. Not exactly Swaro's, but still. They were cracked, water-logged, and heavily crusted with mud - clearly had been there longer than a season. Vortex replaced them as a "warranty" item for the cost of shipping and now I have a new pair that I keep in my truck for road-side glassing. I ate "tag soup" that year so it was a nice participation-trophy to take home...
Found an old pair of Nikon binos, sitting on a rimrock overlook I had just crept in on to glass from myself. Given that I've also found spent rifle casings a number of times in similar situations, it's interesting to me how constant geography is as a factor in good hunting.