
5 mile out and back for Tiny Elvis and I this morning (and 1400' in the first 2.5 miles)- saw a cow elk with last years' calf, saw several deer that looked especially scruffy as they transition to their summer coats

5min abs
Deadlift 5x5
Left early to meet with pastor about ceremony details

Barbel curls 5x15
Cable tricep push downs 5x15
Incline db curl 5x15
Overhead db extension 5x15

Superset reverse curls and dips, 3x15

DB circuit, 2 rounds 5 each as follows
Curl press, alternating ohp, hammer curls, cross body curls,
After about 10 days off at the gym due to catching the old “C” word, I headed about 7 hours east to the other side of the state for 3 days of spring bear hunting. Saw plenty of bears but couldn’t get close enough to any of the ones we spotted in the big canyon country we were in. They kept showing up in the wrong places ha ha! Great trip in beautiful country though. Put right at 20 miles on my boots in 3 days. I was able to fill my 2nd turkey tag while I was over there at least.
