
db incline 3 way row 4x20
seated cable high trap row 3x20
Pull ups 3x15/ failure
Seated cable low row 3x20

Incline 4 way db curl ( 15 reps per movement) 1 set 60 reps 4sets
Standing preacher reverse grip curls 4x15
db hammers 2x25
1.5mi warm up hill run, 300vert

4 warm up sets
Squats/Calf Raise/Plyos-45/95/135/185 x 20
Pull Up x 5

Tibia wall calf raise x 15
Counterbalance Squat-25/25 x 5
OH Elevated Deep Front Squat-10/25 x 5

Squats- 3 rep sets from 225 up to 385

1 racked barbell carry. 35yds out and back with 315 and some slightly uneven terrain. Haven’t done these for quite some time and not this heavy. Not sure what I thought about it…

1 set Bench Squats- 275 x 20

5 sets, no rest
Fat bar pull ups x 10
Fisio sit ups x 10
5 miles this morning with my wife and Tiny E; snow in the hills is gone, still holding at higher elevation

Compound set
4x12 db decline ( 3 sec down/bottom/up) to decline barbell press (4x20 ) 135# yep this entire movement was horrible
4x20 coffin press to push-up ( to failure)

3 way lateral raise ( high/mid/low) 15 rep each way 4 sets
4x15 x 2 drops Arnold press
Close grip bench 4 sets 15 rep/pause rep/pause rep ( failure)
TRX body tricep extension to failure

Suicides 6 x40 yd 30 sec rest 5x
Barbell Curl-45/45/55/65

2 sets
Side to Side Plyo Push Ups
Plyo curls- 45

Bench- doubles from 205 up to 255

3 sets, no rest
Bench- 205/215/225
Preacher Curl- 65/75/85

3 sets, no rest
Incline BD Bench-85 x 10/10/8
Reverse Barbell Curl-65 x 12

TRX Push Ups-20
Farmer’s Carry-60s, 100yds
Got busy last week, only went to gym twice. Got the honeymoon next week so i decided to change up training to a higher volume bodybuilding type workout
5 min ab warmup
Bench 10x10
Banded incline bench 12,10,8,6

Dumbell twist press 4x10
Cable flies 3x20

Finished with KB man maker series, one every 30s
Just over 10 miles. I had to drop the pack weight down some, tendinitis has been creeping up on the last few hikes. I didn’t weigh my pack but it felt like low 40’s. Got a little sick about halfway through, not sure why but those last few miles were a real struggle. These mountains keep me humble.
Warm up pull ups, 30 total

5 sets. No break. Barbell complex
Dead- 45/95/115/135/145 x 12
Hanging Clean- 45/95/115/135/145 x 9
Push Press- 45/95/115/135/145 x 6
Shrug- 45/95/115/135/145 x 12
Pull Up-10
TRX Plank Knee2chest- x 15

3 sets, no rest
Dumbbell Shrug- 85s x 6
Toes 2 Bar- 10

Ran through finisher with no rest…
Dumbbell Clean&Press (floor 2 OH)-35s x 30
Dumbbell hold -85s x 1min
Hanging Pull Up-21

Ran mid morning. 3.5mi hill run. 400vert
Meadow row 15 reps x2 drops 4 sets
T bar barbell row 15 reps 2 drops 3 sets
T bar front rev grip pull down 3 x10 reps x 2 drops ascend
Incline rear delt db low partial/ high partial 20 reps each way 4 sets
Shrugs 3x30 75#s

Compound bicep preacher curl hanging and standing 4 continuous sets no stop
Descending concentration db curls 4 sets with 3 drops