
Got some trail miles in with the pup yesterday
20 min e2mom
2 power cleans

40 min emom
Min 1 - 6 deadlifts
Min 2 - 10 burpee
Min 3 - 12 hang db snatch
Min 4 - Max box jumps
Min 5-Rest
I’m 48 and I’ve been doing CrossFit for 5 years now. I had a heart stent put in late April 2021 (over 95% blockage in the LAD/“Widow maker” artery), so I missed doing Murph last year. It’s been a long road of recovery and I’ve been fighting my way back all year. I was in about the best shape of my adult life when this happened. I’m not back to where I was yet, but I’m still improving and regaining skills and endurance I lost.

In 2020 I was at 1:06 and change RX. This year I went body weight and was hoping for under 50 minutes but didn’t really have any expectations. Things started out great and I was pacing at sub 40 min and feeling great. Then, around the 7-8 round of Cindy I stood up from a set of push-ups and was REALLY dizzy and lightheaded. I’m in Houston and it was HOT! At 8am Heat index of 89° with 83% humidity, And I was trapped in a dead air space where the fans don’t really reach. Around the 12th round I started getting worried. All thoughts of a PR were completely out the window. This had turned into a survival event. Today has to have been the closest I’ve ever come to heat stroke. I finally shuffled across the finish at 1:03:21. My God I’m so glad that’s over!

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I’ve done it a quite a few times over the last 10 years. I usually do 20 rounds of Cindy with or without a vest. Today was the first time I did it as written, straight through unpartitioned with a vest. Took a while…56:56.
No Murph just straight resistance today too

Chest/delt/tris quick one
Incline smith 155/205/225/225/205/155 18/12/8/8/12/18 or failure
Flat machine close grip 4x18/12/12/15
Dips 4x15 or failure 3 sec concentric
Incline reverse Arnold press 4x15
db lateral raises 3x15
db static lateral hold 3x1:00 each arm
Cable neutral grip pushdown 4x20/15/15/12
Single arm cable nose breaker 4x15-20
Suicides 8x 240 yds 15 sec rest
Had an amazing wedding saturday and now honeymooning in the keys (activity/food suggestions welcome), woke up before the wife and hit the hotel gym

5 min abs
3 rounds man maker variation
5x Pushup to row to clean and thruster to 5x single arm press Alternating from top
5x alternating from bottom ohp
5x cleans
5x rows
5x pushups
50ft rack carry
50ft farmers walk

3 supersets of curls x21, band scarecrows x10, tricep extensions x15

7.5 miles on bike (this was cool, did the 7 mile bridge stretch in marathon to pidgeon key and cruised down the block a ways and back)