I’m 48 and I’ve been doing CrossFit for 5 years now. I had a heart stent put in late April 2021 (over 95% blockage in the LAD/“Widow maker” artery), so I missed doing Murph last year. It’s been a long road of recovery and I’ve been fighting my way back all year. I was in about the best shape of my adult life when this happened. I’m not back to where I was yet, but I’m still improving and regaining skills and endurance I lost.
In 2020 I was at 1:06 and change RX. This year I went body weight and was hoping for under 50 minutes but didn’t really have any expectations. Things started out great and I was pacing at sub 40 min and feeling great. Then, around the 7-8 round of Cindy I stood up from a set of push-ups and was REALLY dizzy and lightheaded. I’m in Houston and it was HOT! At 8am Heat index of 89° with 83% humidity, And I was trapped in a dead air space where the fans don’t really reach. Around the 12th round I started getting worried. All thoughts of a PR were completely out the window. This had turned into a survival event. Today has to have been the closest I’ve ever come to heat stroke. I finally shuffled across the finish at 1:03:21. My God I’m so glad that’s over!
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