
5 miles and ~1000' with Tiny Elvis today; he found a trophy- lower deer jaw bone, packed it two miles or so :D

Warm up 2x30
Reverse grip front 1/2 pull downs 3 sec eccentric

4x20/15/10/15 or failure on each set then 6x40yd suicide between each exercise set
Front pull downs /
Low seated row
Bent over single arm row
Rev hypers 4x25

Hanging db curls
Incline db curls
db hammer curls
Rope hammer curls
Friday- Tris/Back/Abs
Warm up Hanging Pull up ladder to 10

4 warm up sets
Close Grip Bench-45/95/135/185
DB Row-40/45/55/60
Toes 2 Bar-10

2 sets
Close Grip Plyo Push Up-5/5
Plyo Pull Up-5/5

Close Grip Bench-205/215 drop to 185
Pull Up-23/12

2 sets, no rest
Renegade Row-35x10
Farmer’s Carry-85s
DB Weighted Floor Sit Up-20s x 12

3 sets, no rest
1-arm barbell snatch-45/65/75 x 5ea arm
Weighted Pull Up-5, 5, 5

Immediately after, did 2mi. run with 400vert. 85% last couple 100yds., doped the deer killer as quickly as possible, controlled breathing, then banged the gong at 480. Train sport-specific right? Weather sucks in MT lately, snowed to the valley floor again last night.
Chest (flat and incline bench press)
Arms (biceps and triceps)
Abdominal twists
Shoulders front/overhead press
Quads (seated leg extensions)

Tried to hit mainly upper body muscle groups other than back and hamstrings…those are still fatigued from earlier in the weeks abuse.

196.0 this morning down from 214 in November.

Got in a 2 mile dog walk and 15 arrows last night before the monsoon hit!