
About 6 miles and 3000’ elevation gain today with the old dog, and the newly adopted 7 month old pup. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good day for scenic pictures.



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I got busted by a hen this evening, suppose to be cold tomorrow hope i get to see his breath when he gobbles!

3 rounds with single kb
Pendlay row x10
Kneeling deadstop snatch x8
Dead stop high pulls x6
Scoop extensions x4
TGU x2

3 rounds with two kb
Pendlay row x12
Flat pullovers x9
High pulls to snatch x6
High low windmills x3

Db shrugs 3x 10
Cable upright rows 3x15
Dreamt this one up this morning and wish I hadn’t.

7 rounds, don’t drop the KB until the sets are done…I admit I had to take a couple deep breaths and breaks but don’t drop the KB.

7 KB Swings
7 KB Goblet Squats
7 KB Deadlift High Pulls

I warmed up with a few 500m rows, push-ups, airsquats, and dead hangs.
Split up today. Youngest and I did 2000vert and 6mi. looking for mulie sheds and dead rams. Found 1 chewed up dink mulie.
Oldest and his buddy found 1 heck of a shiras moose.
In MT you go from wearing a Tee shirt to 3in of slushy snow in an hour. You can also look for sheep, then go to the backside of the ridge and find moose. Awesome day…
And those AK summiting photos are bad ass. Just a weekend mountaineering trip huh. Pretty cool.