Whitetail deer bag limit

After processing 2-3 deer a year myself! The romance is over and I’m good till next year:) 3 years ago I shot a buck that weighed over 230 lbs on the hoof! Sent him to the processor and got back 60lbs that’s like 25% :( so I decided after that to do my own! Plus I’m not even sure the meat was from my deer or how many days it had bounced around in that hillbilly s truck bed:)
I put up 7 two seasons ago and 4 this past season. I usually kill a couple and have some donations. All processing done by myself.
2 bucks here, and basically unlimited doe tags.

When I was a teenager and 1st started hunting, doe tags were a draw. IIRC, the odds were about 1/7. Eventually by about the mid-late 90s, the herd built up to compete with TX having the highest numbers in the country. Then the DNR and insurance companies declared war on does.

It's still a rare day that I couldn't kill a deer if I chose to, but nothing like 20 years ago, when I could count on seeing 20-25 any given morning or afternoon hunt.
3 years ago I shot a buck that weighed over 230 lbs on the hoof! Sent him to the processor and got back 60lbs that’s like 25% :(
That is about what I’d expect from a butcher. Typical yield is ~30% processed boneless meat from live weight depending on the condition of the animal. A lot of people get hosed by processors, but that return is pretty standard unless they cut a lot of pork in the sausage and used your deer elsewhere.
After processing 2-3 deer a year myself! The romance is over and I’m good till next year:) 3 years ago I shot a buck that weighed over 230 lbs on the hoof! Sent him to the processor and got back 60lbs that’s like 25% :( so I decided after that to do my own! Plus I’m not even sure the meat was from my deer or how many days it had bounced around in that hillbilly s truck bed:)
Dad started processing back in the 70's after hunt buddy jilted him on his share of the meat from a processor. Started off with bone in and then went boneless.

I got about 75-80# of meat off a 300# live weight muley and usually get about 30% off WTs - boneless, trimmed meat, steaks, roasts, grind.
That is about what I’d expect from a butcher. Typical yield is ~30% processed boneless meat from live weight depending on the condition of the animal. A lot of people get hosed by processors, but that return is pretty standard unless they cut a lot of pork in the sausage and used your deer elsewhere.
This. Especially if you don't have trim added to your grind. If you shoot them thru a shoulder or both then it can be even less.