
Turkey hunted saturday, accidentally got 10 ft from a roost tree in the dark so boogered the morning. Heard two other birds, couldt do anything with them.

Push mow lawn for Warmup, then 3 rounds of below with 1 kb
Snatch, to rack side lunge x5
Clean to rack squat x5
Rack carry 50ft
Then switch sides and repeat
Goblet clean to squat x5
Double hand swings x5
Deadlift x5
Goblet walk 50ft

Waiters walk 100ft per side
Farmers walk 50ft
Warm up pull up ladder to 10

5 sets. No break
Hanging Clean&Press-45/95/115/135/145
Shrug- same
Arnold Press-20/25/30/35/40
Decline Weighted Sit Up-10lbs x 20

3 sets. No break
Dead & Shrug-205 x 2/3ea grip
Dumbbell Clean&Press-40s x 10
Farmer’s Carry-85s
Hanging Pull Up knees 2 bar

3 sets. No break
Thruster-95 x 15/12/9
Weighted Sit Up-20s x 10
Daughter missed a B&C longbeard 3x Saturday morning at 20 yards. Great lesson learned shouldering a shotgun. Go get him again later.

4x20/ failure

Front pull downs
Bent over barbell row 135/135/170/155
db incline rows 35/45/55/55
Rear delt cable cross
Weighted reverse hypers
Shoulder days are my favorite days. Warmup, then 5x10 log press

3 rounds below, single kb
Offset z-press x5 /side
Offset clean to ohp x 5/side
Plyometric pushups x5 / side
Crush grip pushups x5
Goblet walk 50ft
Dble hand swings x5
Deadlift x5
Waiters walk 50ft /side

3x3 heavy single arm db push press
3x1 super heavy " (finished with a 90# db here, whew!)
Turkeys been rough for us the last week, get gobbles early but nothing after about a hour seemed to be Hen’d up , We’ll stay after it

1 Snatch high pull + power snatch
4x1 heavy - every 2 minutes

Hang power snatch #95

Double unders
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