
24 Minute Alternating EMOM

15 Calorie Row/Ski/Bike Alternating each round
5-10 Deficit HSPU
20 Russian KB Swings 70 lbs
1 Thruster + 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (From the ground, 70-75% of 1RM Push Press)
this morning

high volume day

for time

10 rounds deadlifts & overhead press @75% of 1RM/ 10/9/8/7/6.......2/1 reps @ 75% of 1RM, chin-ups 10/9/8/7/6.......2/1

this afternoon 7 miles of snowshoeing with Tiny Elvis

2:00 On/2:00 Off, 6 rounds total

-18 calorie row
-AMRAP of squat cleans @ 135 lbs
(Rounds 1 & 2)

-18 calorie ski
-AMRAP power cleans 135 lbs
(Rounds 3 & 4)

18 calorie Ass bike
-AMRAP power clean and jerk, 135 lbs
(Rounds 5 & 6)
well I was going to pick a loop today that didn't entail snowshoes, then discovered I'm missing a single glove out of my jacket pocket, soooooo... we did the same 7 mile loop today (on snowshoes!) AND I didn't find that damn glove!
Missed a few logs of swimming or lifts but today:
3x8x135lbs front squat
1x2x115, 2x5x105 ohp
2x5x145 front squat
145x7 bent over row & 195 x6 romanian deadlifts x3
Partner local fun comp the workout was

6 min amrap
40 pull up
30 chest to bar
20 muscle up
Rest 4min
6 min amrap
40 wall ball #40
30 med ball clean
20 med ball clean to wb shot
Rest 4 min
6 min amrap
40 axle bar deadlift #135
30 axle bar hang clean
20 shoulder to over head

100 burpee 5ft broad jump