
Every 2:00 for 3 rounds
5 Back Squats @ 80% + 20-30 seconds Chin-up Hold

3 Rounds for Time, 15 Minute Cap:
50 Double-unders
25 Wall Balls
25 Double KB Deadlifts, 53 lbs
25 Pull-ups
In remaining time, AMRAP Row Calories
Rd 1 - 10 burpees
Rd 2 - 10 burpees / 25 pushups
Rd 3 - 10 burpees / 25 pushups / 50 lunges
Rd 4 - 10 burpees / 25 pushups / 50 lunges / 100 situps
Rd 5 - 10 burpees / 25 pushups / 50 lunges / 100 situps / 150 air squats
For time. There is a relatively decent level of suck to this one.
Well bad news on the elk hunting front; yesterday left the house before 4, I hiked up to a high meadow where I was seeing some activity and made it to the very end of the meadow with about 15 minutes before shooting light

Just at shooting light I saw an elk walking and then a couple of more, one was a bull for sure (but you can kill a cow or bull here and I'm not picky); got down on my knee, rifle ready- about 8 cows/calves jogged through the opening (most of been a little updraft- had they stopped I would have drilled a cow), a lone bull was behind them about 75 yards or so, I willed him to stop and he did- roughly 250 yds, put the cross hairs on the center of the elk just behind the shoulder an touched the trigger. I could hear the bullet hit and he jumped a bit too; he was out of sight quickly due to a small rise, so no opportunity for a follow up shot.

I was elated and expected to see him piled up as I walked over the rise, he wasn't, but was convinced he wasn't far. I found his tracks but no blood- wtf? Followed them about 200 yds and then saw a few pin pricks of blood, not good. He started downhill and broke off from the cows. I gave him 20-25 minutes to settle down and started slowly tracking, a little blood here and there, but not much. He was angling downhill through some really thick stuff, I just kept a turtle's pace- stopping often to look/listen. Blood was very sporadic, but I had good tracking snow and was confident I'd get another shot at him. This continued for a mile or so; every so often there would be a bigger spot of blood, but he never bedded.

He stopped descending and starting side-hilling and then eventually started angling uphill. I figured he might want to get back with the cows. We hit a little creek, but didn't cross, turned parallel to the creek and headed up. At this juncture there was about a 100 yds of no blood whatsoever. I thought maybe he bumped me into another bull and I was possibly following the wrong one. I backtracked until a found a spot blood and then made sure there wasn't another bull that had broken off. At this point it started snowing, hard- straight down, no wind, more like a downpour. Tracks started to quickly fill in with snow. I was carefully brushing snow out looking for blood, but never saw another drop. There were now tracks going every which way and they all looked the same. I followed a couple of different sets, came back to the same spot and followed another set. The snow wasn't letting up and now there was no telling a fresh track from one two weeks old.

I made a pretty big circle in the general direction he was headed and then a couple of big figure 8's, hoping (just hope at that point) I'd bump him, but no such luck. There was a trail above me and I decided to walk it out a mile or so and then back to see if if anything had crossed. No luck and still the snow came down hard. I made a bigger circle yet, but was starting to run out of light and started the long haul back to my truck. I wept, not for me, but for the bull. It was one of the longest 3 mile walks of my life.

I was out early again this morning, hoping beyond hope that maybe he would be back in the meadow again. It had snowed more that night and appeared no elk had used the meadow, but was really impossible to say with certainty due to the snow. I went back to the last spot I knew he had been. Again I made a couple of loops, each bigger. I knew in my heart it was a lost cause.

I pray he ends up like other deer and elk that I've harvested, discovering an arrow or bullet from some time past.

I took this week off to hunt, but my tag is in now the trash.

I'll continue to pray for that elk.

Sorry for the long winded post, but felt like I had to get this off my chest- thanks.
Did two workouts today

25 assault bike cals
15 sand bag over the shoulder 150#
25 assault bike cals
15 sand bag over the shoulder
25 assault bike cals

10 rounds
6 chest to bar pull ups
12 push ups
18 walking lunges
24 double unders

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear about that mtwarden. Unfortunately, that's a part of hunting every once in a while. Sounds like you gave it all the effort you could and then some. When that snow starts dropping like that, there's not a whole lot you can do when you're trying to trail an animal.

Workout today:
21 Minute Alternating EMOM (3 rounds total)
15 Cal Ski erg (or 0:50 work)
6 Power Clean & Jerks 135 lbs
12 Box Jump Overs
15 Cal Bike (or 0:50 work)
12 Box Jump Overs
12 (6L/6R) KB Snatches
15 Cal Row (or 0:50 work)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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thanks guys- appreciated

took Tiny E on the trails this afternoon for 4 miles; cold here- upper teens w/ winds, glad I'm not traveling for Thanksgiving
Smoked with a partner ( 3 sets each of the test)

Partnered this today. It was cold so instead of SB run we rowed 1000m and one held a 100# sandbag while other rowed.
Played about an hour and half of ultimate frisbee last night with some college guys, of which, I am not. Probably the most fun I have had in a long while. Pretty sore this morning but already making plans to be back again next Monday night.

Been back at the lifting and some wod's pretty decent for the past week. Last nights game was just more motivation to keep after it.