
12 minute Alternating EMOM
-15 Box Jump Overs, 24"
-2 Squat Snatches w/ 10 Second Pause in the bottom of the 2nd one (Start @ 60%, build if possible)

2 rounds for time:
20 calories (Bike 1st round, Row 2nd)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power Snatches 95 lbs
10 Toes to Bar
50 Double-unders
4 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis

Tiny Elvis just went over a 1000 miles! (y)

Mostly been running every day or tabata. Went n ran 7.5 miles randomly with a buddy sunday.

Lifted yesterday:
Did 135x2 clean and press emomx6
3 sets ohp 135, 115, 95 amrap
2 sets hipulls 185 x7
2 sets deadlifts 225x12 superset with 275x6
2 sets bent over rows x12
to the gym

deadlifts 3/3/3+/10 @ 70/80/90% of 1RM
overhead press 3/3/3+/10 @ 70/80/90% of 1RM
lunges 3x30 yds
chinups 3x13
6 miles with Tiny E, scouting an area that encompasses a popular trail close to town (less popular now through early spring however) and that I frequently see elk sign. Saw enough sign I'm going to give it a whirl in the morning.
First workout in a week due to the latest plague my kids brought home from school. Just moving today to get back into the swing of things.


21 min EMOM
10 boxl jumps (no stepping)
50 double unders
10 cal ski erg
Easy day. I wanted to incorporate shooting my recurve with a elevated heart rate.

10min Treadmill max incline followed by:
2 rounds
Bench press
Sandbag to shoulder/carry stairs
Kettlebell Squats

another 10 min treadmill max incline
Then 20 yards from the deck


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Easy day. I wanted to incorporate shooting my recurve with a elevated heart rate.

10min Treadmill max incline followed by:
2 rounds
Bench press
Sandbag to shoulder/carry stairs
Kettlebell Squats

another 10 min treadmill max incline
Then 20 yards from the deck
Good shootin
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Another off season maintenance day.

10 min treadmill max incline
Dumbbell deadlift x2 sets
Sandbag to shoulder carry/stairs x4 sets
Weighted lunges x2 sets
Air Squats x2 sets
10 min treadmill max incline