
14 miles strolling through the park :)



Yesterday's workout.
Started out at 2°F.
My boss and I removed 2 poplar trees, both 36 + in diameter. He ran the chainsaw and I threw 95% of it through the chipper. All said and done, it was 1 3/4 loads of chips, which is about 20 cubic yards.
The high was in the mid 20s.

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10 miles in about 10" of snow whipped me pretty good; only one fresh track, a bull, but he was heading off the top into a completely different drainage and I was NOT dropping into that one


Been sick all week. Stomach was trying to crawl out.
Did 185x3, then 175x6,155x12,115x25 superset bench
Then did 3 sets amrap pullups,chinups, switch grip on each rep,
Then 2 sets 135x12 front squats.
10 minutes to find a 3 rep deadlift max

3 rounds of 3:00 on, 1:30 off, for max calories
50 Double-unders
15 deadlifts @ 50% part A
20 pull-ups
Max calories Ski/bike/row, alternating each round
For time
1500m ski erg
25 front squats 135#
25 target burpees 15"
25 push ups
20 front squats
20 target burpees
20 push ups
15 front squats
15 target burpees
15 push ups
10 front squats
10 target burpees
10 push ups
5 front squats
5 target burpees
5 push ups

That one hurt