
it was a perfect morning, in what appeared to be the perfect spot- glassed for two hours starting at first light and nothing (well a cool badger hunting :)), made a big loop hoping to cut a fresh track and none to be had :(

11 pretty tough miles

will hit another spot tomorrow

walking the rifle some more; it's going to be the fittest rifle in the land :) 13-ish miles w/ about 4000' of gain. I'll tell you what is kicking my butt- it's not the miles or climbing- it's the damn snow, just sucks the life out of you!

found this old cabin in a deep draw, right next to a little spring fed stream- thought how cool would it be to live there in a cabin :)

Wife informed me that we infact did 20.4 not .3 and that we were skipping 3 LOL. So yesterday was thrown together on the fly.

30 50# KB swings
30 75# DB rows each arm
30 knees to bar
30 pullups

Followed with a 10 minute eliptical circuit. Started at 7 resistance and bumped up 2 levels every minute to 15 and then back down. Maintaining a 150 stride pace except on 15 and I dropped to the low to mid 140's.

Wife wasnt done at that point so I threw in some light shoulder work until she finished.
put a big day in today, little over 13 miles on a ridge I had never hunted before- if I had been here a 1.5-2 weeks earlier, I would have been in a lot of elk; definitely on the next year's list for sure


