
well my trip might be a record short trip; calling for up to 3' of snow :(

Warm up with partner
1200m row split up in 200m
5 min amrap
5 synchronized burpee
10 situps
15 jumping jacks

12 min max effort
1 mile run 7:16
Row for distance with remaining time

Body weight baseline workout 12 min amrap
6 pull up
12 handrelease push up
18 situps
well my trip might be a record short trip; calling for up to 3' of snow :(


so short, I've canceled it- the forecast is saying this has the makings of a historical September storm; that travel in some areas will be impossible :(

oh well, might go next week or worse case- I have 6 weeks of a general elk season to chase wapiti :)

6 miles and ~ 1800' of gain w/ Tiny E; 45 lbs is back in my pack
Moderate day
30 min on the treadmill fast walk max incline.
50 lbs sandbag lift carry 4 flight of stairs X 2
50 lbs sandbag cleans X 2
30 lbs sandbag getups X 3 with stairs in between.
I do as many reps as I can for each set.
8x3 Weighted pullups and 8x6 hand stand push ups

Then 1 minute work, 1 minute rest, 10 rounds.
Buy in: 20 kb swings, alternating 20 goblet squats
In remaining time:
Air squats