
I'm feeling it today baby! :D

this am- left the boots and pack behind and got in a 6 mile run (it's been awhile!) with Tiny E

this pm- to the gym
high volume day, this time with deadlifts and overhead presses

10 rounds of deadlifts/overhead presses/chinups- deads/presses @ 75% of 1RM
starting out with 10 reps/exercise, then 9/8/7...../1

22 minutes
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Hit the trails with Tiny E, 5 miles w/ ~ 1400' of gain and 45#s on my back, today was the first day (in about 10 days now of hitting it w/ the pack) that it didn't feel too bad- that's a win

Archery season is a wrap so I’m back at the box. And we all know this, but damn crossfit is great training for mountain hunting! I felt really good moving up and down the mountains.

Deadlifts, 9x5,3,2,5,3,2,5,3,2 each wave is heavier than the last.
Partner metcon:
30 wall balls over the rig
20 box jumps
10 burpee pull ups