
10 miles on the trails for Tiny E and I, nice morning (but not so in the afternoon)

Tiny E and I got our hot hill workout in for the week, 5 miles with the first two miles climbing ~ 1800'; jumped a big mule deer buck near the top (in some deep shade)

there is a little spring fed creek near where we park; Tiny E was glad to see it!


Got my butt kicked chasing elk all weekend in the coastal jungle!

Today's workout...

Every 30 seconds for 20 rounds, alternating
-6 clean grip deadlifts
-1 high hang squat clean (Start @ 65% building)

For Time:
10 Calorie Bike
30 hang power cleans, 50 lb dumbbells
20 Calorie Row
10 hang squat clean thrusters, 50 lb dumbbells
20 Calorie Row
30 hang power cleans, 50 lb dumbbells
10 Calorie Bike
6 Rounds (Alternating)
3 Minutes on, 1 Minute off

400M Run
AMRAP Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, 50 lbs (switch every 5)

500M Row
AMRAP Double-unders

500M Ski
AMRAP HS Push-ups
10 Minute Alternating EMOM
Odds: 5 Strict Pull-ups
Evens: 5 Bench Press, building to a heavy set

Partner Workout for max reps
3:00 D-Ball over shoulder, split reps evenly
3:00 Push-ups, split reps evenly
3:00 Burpee Box-jump overs, split reps evenly
3:00 Ass Bike Calories, each partner does 30 seconds at a time
4 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny Elvis- gorgeous day in the mid 60's- we are enjoying some truly paradise weather of late and looks like a week or more of it on the way :)
