
Partner WOD, switch every 20 reps, the 20 reps must be unbroken
400 double unders
300 Alternating dumbbell snatches 50#
200 wall balls 20#
100 6' target burpees

So each person does half of that list or all of it with breaks while the other person goes?

Read that off to the wife just now and the reply was "screw that, I'm out" followed by "we could do that but switch to single unders and snatches with a 30# for me" . I think I am done telling her about y'alls workouts.
One work one rest. One of the two gets an extra set of snatches and burpees . I do 20 unbroken doubles you rest, you do 20 I rest. Just continue like this throughout the workout. If you get to 19 doubles and miss you start back at 0 until you complete the 20 unbroken. The snatch weight for a woman would be 35# and wall ball weight 14#.
finally got to do Laredo

for time, six rounds
24 air squats
24 pushups
24 walking lunges
400 m run

24:52, had to back off the pace of the 1/4 mile run the last three rounds- a toughie to be sure!

yeah it’s a good workout :)
strict Cindy

20 minutes as many rounds as possible of
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats

well I was able to go 10 rounds unbroken and probably about 8 minutes, I had visions of getting 20 rounds-maybe more! :)

the vision became blurry and then blurrier yet, oh well- 17 solid rounds
Strength: 5x10 of:
Push press, toes to bar, waiters walk.

20 min cap for:
Air squats
KB swings
About 20 miles hiked this weekend ranged from 7500ft to 9500ft , lost a bear i thought i made a good shot on , the worst.


Warm up 3 rounds or 12 min cap
200m jog
Rig length lunges
5 each side single leg kb RDLS
5 each side kb push press
10 Russian kb swings

Back rack lunges
3x10 build to heavy set

12 min amrap
40 slam ball slams
40 slam ball bear hug lunges (alternate legs)
20 toes to bar