
20 jumping jacks
40 mt climbers
20 Lunges
40 flutter kicks
20 groiners
20 air squats
20 punters

10 min emom amrap
Min 1: 3 burpee+3 kb swings
Min 2: row

Rest 3 min

10 min emom amrap
Min 1: 3 jump squat+3sit ups
Min2: ass bike

Variety of Stretching
Partner WOD
12 rounds
10 cal assault bike
10 alternating DB snatches 50#
10 pull ups
10 cal assault bike

Complete one round then rest when partner goes

This one hurt.
Did this one yesterday solo with no breaks for 10 rounds. We dont have an assault bike so had to sub eliptical at 50% resistance and 180 pace for the calories which went 10 then 20's until the final 10.
3:00 min ass bike ( easy , moderate , HAM)
Then 5 min amrap
10 kb deads
5/5 kb shoulder to overhead
10 plate ground to overhead
5 v ups

Dt is:
12 deads
9 hang power clean
6 shoulder to overhead

4:00 to finish 3 rds DT @ #95
If finish you earn 4 more min
3 rds dt @ #135
If you finish you earn 4 more min
3 rds dt @ #155
If you finish you earn 4 more min
3 rds dt @ #185

I made it to 1 1/2 rds @#155 and capped out at 12 min