
Sure was glad to wake up and see NO squats today. Hunted some steep rugged stuff this weekend about 2 miles in , then 2.5 miles out each day glassing and running the ridges. Spotted a few bucks but nothing got a pack ride unfortunately , next weekend hopefully.

Yesterday's pain and suffering

70 flights of stairs followed by 10 minutes on treadmill at 8% and 2.5 speed with 97# pack. 32 minutes total. Remarkable how well a good pack carries that kind of weight. Even more remarkable was how light it felt when I took the 40#s of gym weights out when we were leaving, like a nerf pack LOL.
3 rounds of:
30 sec handstand hold
15 toes to bar
30 sec pull-up hang
L sit press

Then a metcon, group of 3:
4 rounds, 5 min AMRAP each rd:
3 power cleans
6 push jerks
9 front squat
2 min rest