
10 Minute Alternating EMOM:
5 High Box Jumps (36"-40")
6 Push Press, Building in Weight; final minute, try for a 10 rep max

10 Minute AMRAP:
5R/5L Single Arm Hang Squat Clean Thruster, 50 lb Dumbbell
50 DU
10 Cal Row

8.4 Mile Run
35 minute AMRAP

400 m wreck bag run
50 double unders
40 KB swings
30 wreck bag squats
20 wreck bag cleans
10 burpees
4 min rest between rounds.

It was a good one.
I need some sort of workout dictionary to follow along with this thread. I work out 4 days a week on average(and have for years) and I don’t understand what half of these exercises are. It’s still pretty entertaining none the less. Thanks for the entertainment/inspiration.
count down is now three days until the Open; I'm as ready as I have ever been (I think :)) 4 miles this evening w/ Tiny E
AM deep stretching with 50 Hindu squats, 30 pushups and 10 pull-ups. Thinking about making this a daily routine and increasing those numbers as time goes on. Felt really good all day.

PM 3.4 mile trail run ~500ft gain
Front squats 3x5

For time
200 double unders
10 Cal row
20 hang clean 185#
15 Cal row
30 lateral over bar burpees
20 Cal row
40 pull ups
25 Cal row
50 GHD sit ups
30 Cal row
60 wall balls 20#
200 double unders

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
made it through to the finish safely- horrific weather, numerous sketchy river/creek crossing, 91 miles (~ 15 miles on snowshoes) total- 57 hours; I'm bushed! o_O

yeah, I'm having fun

Front squat, sets of three to a heavy set/3 rep max

Partner Wod
26 min AMRAP
5000m row
8 front squats 95#
16 KBS 35#
32 single unders

One partner rows while the other does FS/KBS/jump rope. Switch as you wish. When you reach 5000m then continue with the complex, one working and one resting until time is up.