I need some sort of workout dictionary to follow along with this thread. I work out 4 days a week on average(and have for years) and I don’t understand what half of these exercises are. It’s still pretty entertaining none the less. Thanks for the entertainment/inspiration.
AM deep stretching with 50 Hindu squats, 30 pushups and 10 pull-ups. Thinking about making this a daily routine and increasing those numbers as time goes on. Felt really good all day.
For time
200 double unders
10 Cal row
20 hang clean 185#
15 Cal row
30 lateral over bar burpees
20 Cal row
40 pull ups
25 Cal row
50 GHD sit ups
30 Cal row
60 wall balls 20#
200 double unders
Murph with a vest for the runs , broke it down into 20 sets of cindi 5pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats, took me 67 minutes. My first time trying it at 46 yrs old!
made it through to the finish safely- horrific weather, numerous sketchy river/creek crossing, 91 miles (~ 15 miles on snowshoes) total- 57 hours; I'm bushed!
50 sit ups
20 cal assault bike
10 kb deadlifts #70’s
40 sit ups
15 cal ass bike
8 kb dead
30 sit-ups
10 cal ass bike
6 dead
20 sit up
5 cal ass bike
4 dead
Front squat, sets of three to a heavy set/3 rep max
Partner Wod
26 min AMRAP
5000m row
8 front squats 95#
16 KBS 35#
32 single unders
One partner rows while the other does FS/KBS/jump rope. Switch as you wish. When you reach 5000m then continue with the complex, one working and one resting until time is up.