
4 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis; he was chomping at the bit to get back on the trails and I've found active recovery generally works well for me- feet are a still a little sore, but everything else is falling into place
Back squats 3 sets of
1x1@93% rest 2 min 1x4@78%

5 min amrap for 2 sets
rest 2 min between then pick up were you left off
100m run
1 Squat clean #185
100m run
2 squat clean
100m run
3 squat clean .....
Add 1 rep after every run

1 mile run
Over nighter hike with my son and dog and about 15 miles total with 5,000’ elevation gain and loss.



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Over nighter hike with my son and dog and about 15 miles total with 5,000’ elevation gain and loss.



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Doing a quick overnight hike with my wife tomorrow, got to test a few new pieces of gear, climb a few mountains and get outside.
8 miles and ~ 2000' gain for Tiny Elvis and I; thought we might have got some good heat training in as well, but when I got back to the truck it said 70 degrees :cool:
Got in 6+ miles yesterday afternoon.

Today was...

3 Minute EMOM
3 full snatches @ 65%
1 minute rest
2 full snatches @ 75%
1 minute rest
1 full snatch @ 85%
1 minute rest
4 Minutes to find a heavy 1 rep

8 Minute AMRAP:
Alternating dumbbell snatches 50 lbs
Toes to bar
Front squats with 5 sec pause, box jumps. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes.

Then: in 10 minutes:
800 m wreck bag run
21 DB snatches
21 T2B
400 m WB run
15 DB snatch
15 T2B
200 m wb run
9 DB snatch
9 T2B
in remaining time max cals on assault bike. The bike crushed me.