
4 miles of heat AND hill training for Tiny E and I, supposed to be back to a cooling trend starting tomorrow
Tiny Elvis and I got in 6 miles on the trails this morning, probably can't call it heat training as it was 70 degrees :)
to the gym this afternoon (had to ask directions! :D)

squats 3x5 @ 80% 1RM, bench 3x5 @80% 1RM, pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core
14 Minute Alternating EMOM:
-12 pull-ups
-5 heavy thrusters starting from the ground, building in weight from 60% 1RM

For Time:
30 Cal Row
12 Power Cleans 135 lbs
12 Burpees over bar
12 Power Cleans 135 lbs
30 Cal Row
4 miles on the trails for Tiny E and I, nice reprieve from our recent hot weather- highs in the 50's!
7 miles and ~ 2000' of gain for Tiny E and I- glorious afternoon in the low 60's!

30 miles on the nose for the week, not bad considering one week after the Bob Open