
Tiny Elvis and I got a good 11-ish miles in today; four good climbs (and descents) spaced out pretty evenly

Short Murph prep
3 rds vested
200m run
12 pullup
12 pushup
12 air squat

Partner workout split reps as needed but both partners do burpee together

25 synchronized barf acing burpee
50 push press #135
25 synchronized BFB
100 kettle bell swings #53
25 synchronized BFB
50 back squats #135
25 synchronized BFB
I did the same route back to back today; this time I left Tiny E behind and shaved an hour off of my time. What really surprises me is I'm running a lot less these days (and hiking more), but looking back on 20+ times on this route running, I was right in the middle time wise. Not complaining, but strange :)
Tiny E and I got our hill workout in- ~ 2000' gain in 2 miles, 4 miles total

plan is to take it relatively easy this week, the Open starts Saturday morning