7 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis- snow was a lot better today- cloudy and about 10 degrees cooler; I think I'm going to make a few adjustments to this loop and ski it tomorrow
7 miles on my backcountry skis, had to pack the skis in about a 1/2 mile as it was all ice. Then had to get a little creative with my route as it would frequently go from lots of snow, to almost no snow. Also chickened out a couple of times on steep descents- just not that good of skier sadly.
Got outside for a KB and fan bike workout.
54lb KB:
5 min/50 cal fan bike warm up
2x15 one arm swings
2x8 goblet squat
3x12 sumo deadlift
2x12 calf raises
300 yard farmer walk alternating hand every 50yd
10 min medium pace fan bike cool down
40 sec Plank hold (I suck at these, need to do more)