
I did this one time that I remember very well. It was July in South Carolina, around 4 in the afternoon. I can close my eyes and still feel the heat that was radiating up from the pavement on that second mile run.

Conditions were much easier than that this morning, 46 degrees and light rain. Heat and pavement is definitely a game changer.
clean & jerks
Every 2 min for 14 min
2 touch and go clean and jerks
*increase weight with good lifts

Mullet squats
1 set= 2 front squats + 5 back squats
5 working sets @ 70-80% of front squat max
do front squats re-rack take breath then hit back squats
4 miles on the trails w/ Tiny E; we got a dusting of snow, but it's not going to last long- above 6000' it will add to what's already there