
Partner WOD
25 cleans #215
40 handstand push up
25 shoulder to overhead #185
40 barf over burpee
25 ground to overhead #165
We did 14:53 time 🤮
After not seeing anything in the blind, did a 3.5 mile hike up to 150 ft here in Fl. Got home feeling good so put on the 20 pound weighted vest and did another mile while carrying a 32 kg kettleball.
50K trail race on Saturday. Palo Duro Canyon Trail Race. 6 hours and 25 minutes. Got 2nd place for masters 50+. Just 2,300' of elevation gain and loss but I'm for sure feeling it today.

Kind of a crazy thing, the award for the 2nd place finish was a really nice denim jacket embroidered with the race logo and the 2nd place Masters on it. All the jackets were size L. I couldn't even get my arm through the hole. I guess they expect all the fast trail runners to be a lot smaller than me, I'm XXL. LOL.
Decided to challenge myself on Saturday and ran to and from X-fit. About 8.5 round trip plus WOD

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8 Minute EMOM
1 Squat clean + 1 split jerk
1 Squat clean + 1 split jerk
*No rest after clean, go straight into jerk
Start @ 75% 1RM, work to a heavy set

3 rounds for time:
250M run
25 pull-ups
25 deadlifts, 185 lbs
10 Minute EMOM
1 Pause Squat Snatch, 5 second hold at bottom of squat.. Start @ 80% and build

2 Rounds for Time:
12 Hang Power Snatch 95 lbs
24 GHD Sit-ups
12 Burpee Box Jump 24"
24 Calorie Row
Bench press 3x5

For time
3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
2 rounds
400m row
15 thrusters 95#
800m row
30 KBS 70#
30 pull ups

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gym after work

deadlifts 5/3/1+/10, overhead press 5/3/1+/10, chin-ups 3x12, weighted lunges 3x50 yards, core
10 min EMOM
3 position clean

Use moderate weight, working on form more than strength

20 min alternating EMOM
15 KB walking lunges 70#
15 ring rows (parallel)

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Deadlift 5x3

For time
25 handstand push-ups
50 toes 2 bar
1000m row
75 push press 75#
30 Cal Assault bike

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8 Minute EMOM. alternating
10 bench press
10 bent over row with barbell

16 minute AMRAP with a partner
3 Bar MU
50' HS Walk
5 D-Ball Clean over shoulder, 100 lb
walked the rifle for 11.5 miles yesterday; hiked about two hours to my glassing spot in the dark and never even turned my lamp on the moon was so bright (actually was casting a shadow)



Back squats 1x3rm with 3 sec pause in the hole
-10% for 2x3 max reps on last set

7 amrap
20 shoulder to overhead #75
40 dubs

Static stretching
Every 90 seconds x 8 Rounds
3 Push Press
2 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk
Start @ 60% 1RM Push Press, work to a heavy set

10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Slam Balls, 30 lbs
10 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 50 lbs
Strict press 5x3

Partner WOD, one works at a time. Can do with 3 and add 15 reps to each exercise
60 cal row
30 burpees
60 deadlift 135#
30 burpees
60 front squats 135#
30 burpees
60 box jump overs 24"
30 burpees
60 KBS 70#
30 burpees
60 abmat sit ups
30 burpees
Rest 2 min
Max effort squat cleans 135# in 2 mins
hit the gym this evening

squats 5/3/1+/10, bench 5/3/1+/10, pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core