
Push press 3x3+

1500m row
rest 2 min then

4 rounds
8 thrusters 95#
40 foot walking kettlebell lunge 53#
16 GHD sit ups
20 wall balls 20#
20 Minute EMOM, alternating

12-15 calories Row/Ski (alternating)
5 Power Cleans, 60% 1rm
2-3 Rope Climbs
5 STOH (same weight as above), 5 burpees over bar
7 miles in the snow with Tiny Elvis- he doesn't seem to mind :)

4 miles with Tiny Elvis on a very brisk afternoon; might be going snowshoeing tomorrow :D
deadlifts 3/3/3+, overhead press 3/3/3+, weighted lunges 3x 50 yards, chin-ups 3x11, core
Back squat 5-3-1+

4 rounds for time
10 ring dips
25 wall balls 20#
100m row
25 KB walking lunges 70#

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Front squats 3x5@ 85% (my head almost burst)
Kang squats 4x6@ 25-30% of back squat max

3 rds for time
200m run
16 db snatches #50
12 box jumps

3x10 superset
Barbell roll outs
Hip thrusters
Every 0:45 for 10 rounds
1 High-hang squat snatch; work to a heavy 1 rep

For Time:
30 Calorie Bike
10 x Power snatch 115 lbs
10 x Overhead squat, 115 lbs
5 d-ball cleans over shoulder, 100 lbs
300m Row
took advantage of a day off and strapped my snowshoes on for 12 miles in the Elkhorns


Position 1 snatch 1x3 no dropping bar
-10% for 2x3

14 min amrap
7 power clean #135
7 burpee
7 wall ball

Db row
Farmer carry
Handstand hold
Every 1:10 x 10 Rounds
1 Front Squat + 1 Front Squat w/ 5 second hold at the bottom + 10 second front rack hold at top

3 Rounds for Time:
50 Double-unders
30 Air Squats
10 Deadlifts @ 135 lbs
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 135 lbs
Deadlift drop sets add 5-10lbs each set to both for 3 sets
1x2@90% then -20% for 1x6

Shoulder to overhead #135
Sit ups

3x10 Seated db press #50
Pull up max reps
nice :)

our deer/elk general season opened this morning, but like in years past- I've given it a pass; I have next Thursday off and will give it a go

fortunately ours is a six week season, so not a giant hurry to get after it