
50-ish tough miles Sat & Sun, our full tour of the Chinese Wall was halted about 25 miles in when we came across this


but we still managed to have a grand time :)




Back squat
3x5 @#305

12 min amrap

800m run buy in
With remainder of time
24 double unders
12 power snatch #95
hit the gym this afternoon (Tiny hit the trails with my wife :))

deadlifts 3/3/3+, bench 3/3/3+, pullups 3x11, dips 3x30, core
Halt clean 1 sec pause at knee 5x1 @#235

3x1 Complex
Clean high pull +2 low hang high pull#285

5 min amrap
Burpee box overs 🤮

4 rounds
4 Deadlift #315
Sled push 50m
5 min rounds amrap the Press for score and increase weight each round
600m run
1 round of Cindy
Max clean Press 135#
1 Min Rest
400m run
2 rounds of Cindy
Max clean Press
1 Min Rest
200m run
3 rounds of Cindy
Max Clean Press reps
3.5 trail miles with a 40 lb pack, Tiny Elvis on the other hand was running footloose and fancy free! :D
For time:

1600m row buy in
3 rounds of
40 double unders
40 abmat situps
8 Devil Presses
5 Bar MU
Front squat w/2 sec pause in the hole 3x1 @#285

For time
10 hang power cleans #95
3 rds cindy
10 hang power cleans
2 rds cindy
10 hang power cleans
1 rd cindy

(Cindy= 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
8.5 miles on Helena Ridge with my wife, daughter, daughter's friend and of course Tiny Elvis

I know it's Labor Day, but is it labor if I pay for it :)

squats 5/3/1+ I'm rolling on the upper/out right thigh between sets and seems to help
bench 5/3/1+
pullups 3x11
dips 3x30