
Did a variant of one of Triple J's workouts today

24 Minute EMOM, alternating
15 calorie Row/bike/ski alternating
6 Weighted Box Step overs, 2 x 50lb dumbbells, 24" Box
10 GHD Sit-ups
6 Hang Squat Cleans, 95 lbs
12 miles and about 3000’ on the Lumpy Ridge Loop in Rocky Mtn NP. Saw a few elk and a few moose. Big day will be tomorrow.
Stage snatch , pause 1 sec at the 3 positions
Work to 4x1

8 min amrap
8 deads #225
16 wall ball #20
24 walking lunges w/wallball

50 cal row for time
Front squat with 1 sec pause in the hole
4x2 @ 85% of 1rm

3 rounds of 4 min each
400 m run
Max rep overhead DB squats #50
w/ remainder of time
Rest 2 min between rds

an epic (but brutal) 28 mile loop yesterday in the Indian Peaks Wilderness, 10 miles today in RMNP, fly home tomorrow morning
We did a WOD in memory of a bulldozer operator that lost his life in the wildfires. All moneys went to his pregnant fiancé . RIP
we got another 10-ish miles in at RMNP on Saturday; flew here on Sunday and Tiny Elvis was itching to get out, so 4 miles on our local trails

few pics from our big loop


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Back from 8 days in the wapiti woods...

"Running Amanda"
Ring MU
Squat Snatch, 135 lbs
150M Run after each Round

Rest 3 Minutes
500M Run for time

This one left me sucking wind bad...
Did a variant of one of Triple J's workouts today

24 Minute EMOM, alternating
15 calorie Row/bike/ski alternating
6 Weighted Box Step overs, 2 x 50lb dumbbells, 24" Box
10 GHD Sit-ups
6 Hang Squat Cleans, 95 lbs

Nice! Our coach programs one of these style EMOMs once a week. They can be pretty brutal, depending on the movements.
4.5 miles with Tiny E yesterday evening; frantically putting together gear for a backcountry bison hunt this weekend :)
10 minute EMOM
2 x 1-1/4 back squats (no bounce at bottom), 65-70@ 1RM

For Time:
25 Calorie Bike
20 thrusters 95 lbs
20 pull-ups
20 thrusters 95 lbs
250m run
Partner workout--partner A does one complete round while partner B rests

Minute 1-9
10 calorie ski
10 T2B
10 Slam Balls, 30 lbs

Minute 10-18
10 calorie row
10 push-ups
10 dumbbell deadlifts, 2 x 50 lbs

Minute 19-27
10 burpees
200' D-Ball carry, 100 lbs
back from the bison hunt- Wowsers! ~35-miles, lots of climbing-many with a meat laden pack :)

Back to the gym after my "mountain" work out the last 10 days. Was a hell of a welcome.

Row Cal's
Thrusters 135#

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my wife has been sick the last couple of days and wasn’t able to get Tiny E out, so took him for a 4.5 mile hike- it probably helped a little in my recovery as well; still sore, but less sore :D
Dead lift 5x4

8min AMRAP
7 KBS 70#
7 wall balls 30#
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 burpees

2min rest

8min AMRAP
7 goblet squats 70#
7 walking lunges 70#
7 GHD sit ups
7 cals Assault bike

1min rest

Max effort 150# sand bag cleans for 1 min