
3.5 miles with Tiny Elvis; we went to our secret meadow- a little meadow we found some time ago following a faint game trail- loaded with lupine, sticky geranium, arnica, buttercups, hare bells and more

400m run buy in

Partner WOD (1/2 the reps)
80 wall balls
40 pull ups
40 deadlifts #225
60 wall balls
30 pull ups
30 deads
40 wall ball
20 pull ups
20 deads

Clean complex
Squat clean+frontsquat+jerk
5x2 add weight each rd

Snatch 1rm
1 mile run, 500 yard row. That x4 for time. Averaged 6:42 pace on the miles this morning.
650M Run
3 Rope Climbs
5 rounds of 6 S2OH @65% 1RM, 10 Burpees over the bar
3 Rope Climbs
650M Run
Partner WOD, both run at same time. Split reps however you want, Can't start until both partners have completed run.
25min AMRAP
400m run
50 dumbbell shoulder press 35#
50 pull ups
50 dumbbell front squats 35#
50 push ups
50 walking lunges 35# dumbbells
50 airsquats
My son training for his sheep hunt next month. 45 lbs. on his back and a 2,100’ elevation gain and dissent over approx. 5 miles round trip.


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30 Power Snatches 95#
30 Clean and Press 95#
30 Thrusters 95#

“Cool Down”
20Cal Row x3
1 Min Rest
18 Cal Rowx3
1 Min Rest
15 Cal Row x4
This was not a cool down......
My son training for his sheep hunt next month. 45 lbs. on his back and a 2,100’ elevation gain and dissent over approx. 5 miles round trip.


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Nice. How old?

And to keep on the thread, today was:

10K murph(10K run substituted. Everything else the same)
200 overhead press
200 dumbbell row
200 lat raises
Nice. How old?

And to keep on the thread, today was:

10K murph(10K run substituted. Everything else the same)
200 overhead press
200 dumbbell row
200 lat raises

He’s 15 but pretty small for his age (probably because he takes after his parents), at 5’ 3” and 97 lbs. so, packing roughly half his body wt. I’m planning on him carrying 35 lbs., max. when we head in for our hunt and I’ve had him training with 45 thinking that when it’s showtime, he’ll appreciate a pack that’s 10-15 lbs. lighter.

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12 minutes to find a 2-rep max Front Squat

Every 30 seconds x 6
2 Front Squats @ 85% of 2 rep max

30 calorie bike
30 KB Swings
30 Calorie Row
30 Slam Balls, 30 lbs
Back squats 6-4-2-6-4-2. Sets should be 70-80-90% of 1 rep max

4 rounds for time
250m run
20 wall balls 20#
Wall balls must be unbroken or 5 burpees every time you break.

No one at our gym did burpees so don't break them up.

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Super grip intensive today

A) 12 minutes to find Hang snatch 5-rep max

B) 5 Minute EMOM 2 reps @ 90% of A

C) 8 Minute AMRAP
-30 Double-unders
-10 T2B
He’s 15 but pretty small for his age (probably because he takes after his parents), at 5’ 3” and 97 lbs. so, packing roughly half his body wt. I’m planning on him carrying 35 lbs., max. when we head in for our hunt and I’ve had him training with 45 thinking that when it’s showtime, he’ll appreciate a pack that’s 10-15 lbs. lighter.

Sounds like a perfect plan. I am sure I don't need to tell you it is the fight in the man, not the size of the man in the fight.

My WOD(yesterday):
Last night was our 2x a week TTH modeled league. The crossfit instructor be like "you guys should have time for 4 rds". We be like 3 rnds. Time up, laying in piles of our sweat.

Today so far is:
6x 20 thrusters, 20 dumbbell row, 20 lat raise
10K hill run in vibrams
goal is 4 more of that set, some burpees and a fireman carry set.
4 warm miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis; I think Tiny E prefers 10 degree weather to 85 :)
My back been a little tender so i took a week off crossfit and hit the regular gym 4 days

Bike 10 min
Back squat
Bb row
Military press
Elliptical interval 20 min

Feeling better
20 Minute EMOM alternating each minute between...

-15 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski

-6 T-n-G Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks @ 45-55% 1RM Clean & Jerk

-15 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski

-8 Front Rack Lunges, same weight as C & J

We also had to alternate machines for every minute of calories