
juror duty- if it’s criminal, they always ask early if you’re in law enforcement, so I’m bumped very quickly

I’ve been summoned to two civil trials, got bumped on both when they asked if anyone thought there were too many frivolous lawsuits- I raise my hand thinking everyone in the courtroom is doing the same- I’m the only one- WTF???!
4 miles with my wife and Tiny Elvis- starting finally see a few wildflowers popping- only about six weeks later than normal :)
80 lb ruck up the M hill today
100 burpees in 7m 8s

Feeling heavy these last couple weeks, pull ups and push ups feel heavy and maxes have dropped off a bit, my runs hurt more etc Cant seem to shake it and I havent gained any weight, ive let my cardio slip a tad and am wondering if that's why? Any one else every dealt with that heavy feeling?

10 more days of work outs then 7 days of rest then go time for 2 weeks.

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^ often a "heavy" feeling is a lack of recovery/overtraining; trainers for even the most elite athletes these days are insuring there is some recovery built into any program

I'm working out nearly every day, but my weight lifting is spaced out roughly 72 hours (twice a week), the other days I mix in several easy days (hiking) with a tougher long run and one tougher run session- occasionally if I feel tired/"heavy" I'll take a zero day and am usually ready to go the following
3.5 mile run 7:20 pace. Last run before half marathon on Sunday.

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3.5 mile run 7:20 pace. Last run before half marathon on Sunday.

Good luck on the half! Where is this event at?

I had to rest my legs today, still feeling it from the past few days... so I only did an upper body routine.

7 sets of dumbbell flat benchpress
7 sets of triceps (skull crushers)
5 sets of incline dumbbell benchpress
4 sets of bicep curls
Shooting my bow after work to finish out the day
10 min EMOM
1 strict press
1 Push press
1 push jerk

Partner WOD
8 rounds
400m row
200m run with 50# sandbag

Complete a full round then the partner goes
4 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny E- it felt hot, our first day into the upper 60's.
Cleans 1x1 rep max , Ive really struggled with these and the flexibility in the wrist , elbow and lats. today got #245 up cleanly. Was stoked

8 min amrap
3 cluster #95
3 t2b
6 cluster
6 t2b
Increase by 3 until time cap

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2.37 miles jogging (starting to enjoy jogging surprisingly)
6 sets of wide grip pull-downs
5 sets of wide grip cable rows
5 sets of narrow grip cable rows
12 Minute EMOM
Minute 1-4: 3 Squat Snatches, 115 lbs
Minute 5-8: 2 Squat Snatches, 135 lbs
Minute 9-12: 1 Squat Snatch, 165 lbs

For Time:
100 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs
*EMOM, 5 goblet squats with dumbbell
^^ I found it does become pretty enjoyable. I was a very late blooming runner (mid 50’s). Started as a voluntary fitness program at work- sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups and a 3-ish mile run. I had never been a runner, but didn’t want to look like an a$$ :), so I found a little 3 mile loop in the hills and started. To begin I walked the majority of it, but eventually was able to run the loop (slowly). After awhile, I surprised myself and started to enjoy it. Three miles led to four, four to five and so on. Within a year, my long runs were into the teens and was full hooked!
yesterday I said it felt hot, today it was hot- 78 degrees! Tiny E and I are acclimated to about the mid 40's. regardless we got 5.5 miles in this evening
^ often a "heavy" feeling is a lack of recovery/overtraining; trainers for even the most elite athletes these days are insuring there is some recovery built into any program

I'm working out nearly every day, but my weight lifting is spaced out roughly 72 hours (twice a week), the other days I mix in several easy days (hiking) with a tougher long run and one tougher run session- occasionally if I feel tired/"heavy" I'll take a zero day and am usually ready to go the following

I get that feeling if I have overdone my workouts or if I’ve not been sleeping enough.
5.5 miles with Tiny E on the trails, loop has one really tough climb- about 800' in a little over a mile- warm one again today, but we got started early enough it wasn't too bad
got a little bit of a second wind and hit the gym- Wendler week 18: deadlifts 3/3/3+/10, overhead press 3/3/3+/10- got 6 reps on the plus set w/ deadlifts, only got the 3 with the overhead press; chinups 3x13, core

on a positive note on my overhead press- the 10 rep set is the same weight as what I was previously doing when I was doing 3x5, so that's some decent progress :)