
Box Front Squat - 12x2 (55%+ monster or mini+12" Box+50lb chains)

Deadlift - 8x1 (55%+double monster+40lb chains)

Glute Ham Raise - 5x10

Sled Walk- 4x 50m (bent over in a good morning)

Reverse Hyper - 5x20 (controlled reps, no swing)

Kneeling Jump- Max Distance, 5 lengths total (45ft=1 legnth)

Banded Leg Curls - 2x50 (both legs at the same time)

*plan for this evening*
"3 Rounds
800m Run
2 min rest"
With a Partner:

750m Ski
55 GHD Sit Ups (while one person planks)
35 Dumbell Squat Cleans, 50 lbs x 2 (while one person bear hugs a Dball 100 lbs)
55 Sit Ups (while one person planks)
750m Row

Outdoor sled sprints
Tiny Elvis and I went to the top of Mt Helena; we took the steep way up- 1200' of gain in just under a mile (tip toe steep) and the long way down for 4-ish miles

Hang power snatch 3x3@75% then 3 rep max

3rds for time
15 deadlifts #135
15 push up
15 kbs #53
15 t2b

3 supersets
Db tricep ext x10
Barbell row x5

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2.42 miles jogged
5 sets of wide grip pull-downs
5 sets of tricep pull-downs
5 sets of narrow grip seated cable rows
3 sets of biceps (inbetween the rows)
As things go I was unable to get the 800x3 in last night, so I did that after everything today.

BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 12x2 (mini or micro+55%)

Barbell Bent Over Row - 3x (5x5x5x5 drop sets)

Lat Press Down - 2x3min

DB Pronated Reverse Fly - 3x12

"5 Rounds
20sec max cal row
1min rest"

**"3 Rounds**
800m Run
2 min rest"
30 minute running clock...

1 mile run for time

8 minute rest beginning the second you hit the door

AMRAP the remaining time left
9 squat snatches @ 115 lbs (Rx was 135)
12 push ups
15 T2B
18 Wall Balls

Kicked my butt, ready for the weekend
Track work out yesterday morning. I hate running haha
80 lb ruck up the hogs back. 1.5 miles of steep grade and benches with out stopping. Took around 35 min (forgot to clock at the beginning) Feeling pretty good
4 miles this evening for Tiny Elvis and I- little warmish, I think mostly that I'm not used to it
I ran the local 12k trail course, race is next weekend- normally run the 30k, but it's too close to the Bob Open this year, so running the 12k instead- challenging course with quite a bit of climbing

Friday was front squat friday , 1x3 w/3 sec pause in the hole on first rep of set . Then -10% for 2x3 no pause. Got #300 w/pause for 2 failed last rep

4rds , round starts every 3 min

10 db squat snatch #50 alt arms
100m med ball run
10 wall balls

RDL 3x8

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I'll post some pics later, but got 20 miles of snowshoeing in scouting the beginning route of the Bob Marshall Open- we had to snowshoe three miles just to get to the trailhead. The North Fork of the Blackfoot was raging- not sure I've ever seen a river quite so angry
Work to a 1RM Back Squat

4 Minute EMOM: 3 back squats @ 85%

7 Minute AMRAP:
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24"
150M Run
4 miles with Tiny Elvis this evening

a few pics from yesterday's foray




we even had a few dry stretches!


our lunch and turnaround spot- North Fork patrol cabin


plenty o' water in the North Fork


3 mins
21 sit ups
21 front squats 95#
Max assault bike calories in time remaining

3 min rest

3 mins
18 sit ups
18 push ups
18 front squats 115#
Max assault bike calories in time remaining

3 min rest

15 sit ups
15 push ups
15 front squats 135#
Max assault bike calories in time remaining

3 min rest

12 sit ups
12 push ups
12 front squats 155#
Max assault bike calories in time remaining

Score is total assault bike calories

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Back squats 5x5 @83% , max reps on last set

3 rds
20 air squats
20 push ups
20 sit ups
When complete Immediately into 1 rd
10 power clean @135
10 front squat
10 s2o
For time

2000m row

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