
Got my a$$ handed to me at Train to Hunt Oregon yesterday . Two take aways compared to last year , need to do more steady state cardio mixed into the crossfit , need to practice shooting angles and extreme short shots.

Binos will help next time , the scoring rings are not were “kill” shots are

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16.5 miles with ~ 4000' of gain- I'm going to feel this tomorrow :4:



4 mile run

Circuit on my own today

4 rounds
40 Push up
10 overhead lunges w/ 45 sandbag
5 chest to bars
30 sit ups
30 tricep dips
20 sand bag squats
30 exercise ball crunches

Finished with 24 burpees in 1 min.

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Front Squat- 1RM (110lb chains)

Front Squat - 1RM

Front Squat - 1RM (reverse light bands)

Barbell Reverse Lunges- 3x8

Sled Back Peddle - 5x 30 yards (bands around ankles)

Belt Walk - 5min

Weighted GHD Sit Ups or Weighted T2B - 4x25

Quad Fall Outs- 2min

"For time:
50 Cal Row
-1min rest-
40 Cal Row
-1min rest-
30 Cal Row
-30sec rest-
20 Cal Row
-30sec rest-
10 Cal Row"
EMOM x 12: alt minutes
- 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each), 35 lb dumbbells
- 3 Deadlifts @ 75-80%

Metcon (Time)
For Time:
250m row
20 alt jumping lunges
20 thrusters 75 lbs
250m run
or longer :)

4 miles with Tiny E on the trails; legs are a wee bit sore from yesterday's run
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surprised myself w/ my squats and bench this evening - in a good way :)

Wendler week 19: squats 5/3/1+(4)/10@70%, bench 5/3/1+/10@70%, pullups 3x12, dips 3x35, core
EMOM x 20: Alternating
- 2 Hang Squat Clean and 1 Jerk @ 75-80%
- 60DU or 45 seconds jump rope
- 15 Handstand Push Ups
​​​​​​​- 15 Cal Row/Ski/Bike alternating
5/2/18 60:00 in/out the door
5 sets x 10 of dumbbell military press
5 sets x 10 of dumbbell lateral shoulder raises
4 sets x 10 of bent over dumbbell flys
5 sets x 10 of triceps
5 sets x 8-10 of dumbbell bicep curls
5 sets x 10 of 20" box steps holding a 55# sandbag

5/1/18 -- 3.0 mile run
3 Front Squat + 2 Push Presses + 1 Push Jerk
Every 2 Minutes x 5 rounds: building to a heavy set/max

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP:
6 bar muscleups
12 dumbbell push presses (6/6) 50 lb
250m run
Split jerk 1x1 w/ 3 sec pause in catch position then —20% for 2x2

5 min amrap
200m buy in
8 Clean and jerk #95
4 box jump

3 min rest

5 min amrap
200m buy in
6 clean and jerk #135
4 box jump

3 sets bilateral farmer carry 45 sec

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