So I like lurking on this thread to see what you animals are up to ... That Stone Glacier workout looked to be something interesting to throw into my week. Oof. I was not prepared for that kind of exertion and ended up bailing before my heart or quads exploded. So I scaled it down for a weekly session that I could ramp up from:
4 x 400m runs (my gym has three basketball courts side by side so each 400m run is basically four trips down and back, down and back, etc.) with equal rest periods. I have a timer set, but this is more tied into my HR though, I run hard enough to get into the high 150s/low160s.
25m lunges, walk 25m, 25m lunges, 25m walk back (no pack, just 20lb dumbells) x 2 (basically up and down the gym twice)
2 minute rest
5 minute box steps with 20lb dumbells
3 x 30 second planks.
This is good for about ~30 minutes, next month I think I'm going to try back to back.