
chest day

Barbell bench pause reps 5 reps per set 185-225-255-275

Barbell bench pause reps 30 reps @ 135

Incline DB bench 5 reps per set 55-65-75-80-85-90-95-100-60-60-60

Cable flys

15 mins on stairstepper

60 arrows
Wendler week 11: deadlifts 5/3/1+, overhead presses 5/3/1+, chin-ups 3x13, weighted lunges 3x50 yards, core- looking forward to next week's "deload" week :)
10 min emom
15 wall balls
Hollow hold

20 min partner WOD
Buy in 1000m row
60 Deadlift 135
30 Burpees
60 squat cleans 135
30 Burpees
60 Strict Press 135
30 Burpees
Amrap Clean and Press 135

Terrible after 18.3 last night.....
I'll call this Montana 18.4 :D Two hours straight of shoveling and fighting to get chains on a what appeared to be a hopelessly stuck truck. Once unstuck and back to the safety of a plowed turnaround, putting on snowshoes and strapping on a fully loaded pulk, walking by where I was hopelessly stuck and then proceeding about 3.5 miles uphill towards our overnight destination. About half mile shy of our destination we were taking a break and noticed my wife looked pretty "unchipper". She was feeling pretty ill, so we decided to bag the trip and turned around heading the 3.5 miles back to the truck. Oh well- $hit happens, still enjoyed a glorious day out :)




8.5 miles on mostly snow packed trails; brought snowshoes but weren't needed- a few stretches of post holing, but nothing overly long
Didn't end up getting my first ring MU on 18.3...kicking myself for avoiding these for so long, strength is there, turnover technique not so much, lol.

All 4 of the other guys I train with got through the first round, one got through the 2nd set of OHS. Fun to watch.
just signed up for a 12 hour race here locally; it’s a 12 mile loop on all single track trails, you try and complete as many loops as you can in 12 hours- this one will be a little unique in that it starts at 8:00 PM and ends at 8:00 AM, so the race will be almost completely in the dark. should be interesting :)
5 Minute EMOM: 8 x Back Squats, 65% of 1 Rep max

For Time:
30 Calorie Ski Erg
25 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 2 x 50lbs
25 Jumping Air Squats
25 Slam Balls, 30 lbs
250M Run

Almost puked from that one...
Been out most of last week through the weekend with a sinus infection from hell. Damn this southern pollen.

Still not 100% but I was good enough to do a little something today

Backsquat 1 set at 20 reps

Core work- plank holds

100 lunges with 20# vest for time.
Took a pretty nasty concussion on Saturday - just getting back to it today. Legs still feel a bit heavy, but improving.

Overhead DB press 10x10 50#DBs
Lateral DB raises (pinky up at the top) 10x10 45#DBs
Bent Over Lateral DB raises 10x10 30# DBs

Lighter day - but glad to be back.
"Mez Version" 18.3

2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 front squats 115#
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches 50#
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 14 minutes

456 reps, 8 shy of finishing 1 round.

I'm going to do it again in a couple of weeks both rounds and see how long it takes. Doubt I can break 30mins.
Tuesday 3/13/18
Barbell Shoulder press 5 sets of 5

Strict pull-ups 5 sets of M.E.

Upright Row 3x8

Banded reverse fly 3x12

4 min AMRAP
- Jump rope singles
Tiny Elvis and I got 4 miles in yesterday evening on snow packed trails - gorgeous evening, sun shining and 40 degrees :)
Split jerk: 3 - 3 - 3 (75% 1RM)

Snatch Balance: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Working to a heavy 1 rep

For Time:
100 Double-unders
80 Air Squats
60 Ab-mat Sit-ups
40 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Still recovering from concussion symptoms - working the legs hard to try and get rid of some of the heavy feeling

30 mins stairmaster
3x30 leg curls (laying) 120#s
5x20 leg press 8 plates
